Dear Spirit

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If you're reading this, then that means I was forced to leave you and Spikey behind. I wish I could stay with you two forever, but I have enemies who would hurt me by hurting those I care about. I've learned the truth of our parents and I know by exploring it, there will be danger.

It turns out they both joined some group called the Alien Revolution. This might sound like a local alien gang to you, but I think it's much bigger than that. I think this revolutin is a cult targetting the humans. This cult seems to be filled with aliens who had many conflicts with the human society. Children who lost parents. Mothers who lost babies. Husbands who lost their wives. Sometimes, the other way around. Over the days that came, I couldn't tell if they intend to form an uprising or only want revenge. The leader seems to be an elderly figure with a blonde haircut. This guy serves as an inspiraion to his followers. It's like he can really relate to them. The leader's daughter is second in command. Although I don't see the resemblance between them because of the woman's gold skin.

Mom and Dad joined the revolution about twenty years ago, only a few years before my birth. If I'm right, their motivation was a tragic loss involving genocide. From what the followers told me, our parents' first mission gave them a chance for vengeance. After they klled the human responsible for their troubles, they left the revolution. It turns out they weren't interested in the uprising. They just wanted an opportunity to avenge their deceased loved ones.

I was born about five years later. By that time, they settled down inside a cave of Antarctica.

Fourteen years later, they were killed by an old enemy. That's why I've been gone. I've been following trails of his whereabouts that led me to the ongiong uprising. If I don't find the killer, I hope you will. Tell Spikey I miss her.

Love, Charlie...

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