Chapter 1

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Nico looked around his new apartment, then at the large number of boxes strewn around that Percy did not unpack before he left for his shift, then he cussed loudly. He guessed breakfast would have to wait until after he took the dishes out.

He got to work unpacking and unraveling and cursing Percy for not keeping his promise. Well, Nico thought, maybe he was too tired. Percy did have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn for his work at the nearby surf shop during the week, then on weekends, working part time at his mother's bakery. On top of that, he went to university full time. Percy was not the most studious person Nico knew, but you couldn't say that guy didn't have a great work ethic.

However, at this moment none of that mattered because Percy's unforgiving treachery was keeping Nico from his cornflakes.

At long last, the final kitchen-labeled box was empty and with cereal in hand, Nico wandered over to the table in the living room. The fall semester had begun a few weeks ago, and since Nico worked at the youth center in the afternoon most days, his mornings were completely filled with focused school work- just the way he liked it. Structure, discipline, success. That was how Nico di Angelo would live his life, and earn a steady figure.

There was just that one variable that always got in the way- Percy Freaking Jackson. Nico had picked out his apartment for the look of the interior brick wall and the water pressure. He was completely fine with studying and living in solitude. But then Percy, who was living at the university dorms, got roped into one of Leo Valdez's famous pranks. It backfired (with literal fire), and ended with Percy getting kicked out the dorms, and Valdez getting away with no punishment.

His childhood friend had asked if he could move in, so Nico weighed his options. Rent wasn't a problem for Nico, but he did have an extra room and if he split the rent he could spend the money on more important things- like books. Also there was the advantage of dividing the chores. So Nico had agreed, thinking it would benefit him. Then Percy actually moved in.

He was kind and nice to look at, but he played his music too loud, he was disorganized, left his socks everywhere, and a dozen other things that annoyed the hell out of Nico. Most of the boxes weren't even unpacked yet.

Nico spent the morning studying peacefully, and at around 12:00 Percy came bursting through the apartment door arms laden with trays and trays of cookies.

"Hey Neeks!" Greeted Percy.

"I thought I told you not to call me that." Said Nico, looking up from his french book.

"Whatever you say Neeks." Percy shuffled towards the kitchen. "I went to the bakery after my shift, you know, to give my mom a house key. One of the employees read an order wrong and made this huge batch of cookies, so she gave them me. They're blue chocolate chip," bated Percy, "house specialty."

Nico sighed. "Jackson, what are we going to do with 100+ cookies, blue or otherwise?"

"Eat them," Percy rolled his eyes, "obviously. Also I was thinking of giving some to the next door neighbor. Landlady said he was in university like us."

"Do people even do that anymore?" Asked Nico cynically, "Talk to their neighbors?"

"I do." Stated Percy. "C'mon let's go now!"

Nico raised an eyebrow. "You want me to come?" Percy nodded furiously. They made eye contact. Nico didn't look away, then still didn't look away, then still didn't look away. It was a technique he used, very effective to get people to stop talking.

"No." He finally said, and went back to reading his book.  

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