Hanzo noticed the way Jesses eyes would light up when Shimada-Sama talked about the beauty of the grounds and the history of the land, the criminal apparently liked to discuss such things. He would sometimes murmur things about it being more beautiful than his home, Hanzo found that to be  quite a bold statement. Perhaps it was because he had lived here and no where else his entire existence. When Shimada-Sama muttered comments about business, Hanzo noticed Jesse's uncomfortableness. Hanzo quickly understood that he was inexperienced in such things, the matter of the impending deal was making the criminal sweat.

In some far corner of Hanzos mind, he felt bad for Jesse. He was far too young to be handling business deals on his own, father would never dream about letting Hanzo control family matters at this age. Hanzo swallowed down the bit of emotion he felt at the criminals dismay, this was no time to be growing attached to the target.

Hanzo picked his head up from the ground as they paused in front of a molded fountain, he could feel the eyes before he saw them. Hanzo caught Jesse's glance, the criminal had been staring at him with those deep, deep eyes. Hanzo held his gaze, determined to not turn away. Jesse did not look away this time either. Hanzos eyes were a wordless, expressionless stare. Hanzo was confused by the look Jesse was giving him, it was making him a little uncomfortable. When the corners of Jesses mouth curled up into a thin smirk, Hanzos cheeks went hot with blush. He quickly hid his pink face behind his thick hair, the criminal had won this round.

Genji tugged at the corner of Jesse's shirt and smiled, leading him past the fountain. Shimada-Sama had retired behind them to walk with Hanzo, they now spoke in hushed Japanese as Genji lead them through the winding, lush greenery.

"Mister McCree?" Genji clicked, he pulled on his pale fingers nervously as Jesse scowled,

"What's up?" He drew, glancing behind him quickly to notice Hanzo and his father were a few yards behind them, far enough to not hear his conversation with the younger Shimada,

"I apologize if I caused you to be embarrassed earlier. It was naive of me to say such a thing to a foreigner." Genji offered a kind smile, his shoulders rolled forwards to almost assume a passive posture,

"It ain't nothin'. 'Spose I gotta lot to learn 'bout you all as well." Jesse fingered the brim of his hat and tipped it forwards. The apology was unneeded in his opinion, but it was welcome.

"I don't believe I've ever made my brother laugh that hard." Genji rested a hand on his shoulder and shook his head,

"He ain't one to laugh, is he?" McCree asked, feeling a need to find out more about the illusive man,

"Unfortunately no. Being the oldest, he has had many responsibilities thrust upon him that I have never had to deal with." Genji glanced over his own shoulder, making sure the two could not hear him, "My brother never had time to be a kid."

"Whaddya mean by that?" Jesse murmured, scratching at the ghost of a beard on his jaw,

"Well, we were homeschooled, so he never made many friends, nor had people of his own age to talk with. Father also asked for a lot of maturity from him since a very young age."

Jesse noted the vast differences between the two brothers, one childish and playful, a real ray of sunshine to be around. The other a stoic, sturdy man, not taking part in much fun and expected to act as an adult at all times. Jesse nudged his hands into his pockets as he thought about the many things Hanzo must have never experienced. Jesse too never had much of a childhood, but at least he could have fun and take time to laugh at himself.

Young McHanzo: The Man Behind the MaskWhere stories live. Discover now