Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"It's the temple," Kalik murmured as he took in the surroundings.

"The song is gone," Takashi said as he looked around. "Bummer." Mei walked up the stairs into the building, her eyes trailing over the remains. The wood had rotted and plants started growing up in the cracks. Worn out books and scrolls lay scattered all over the floor, and as Mei continued through the building, she noticed an opening in the back of the temple. She made her way over there and a smile came across her face as the pieces fell into place. Before her was a cobblestone road, with large pillars with the heads of beasts on top of them made of marble. It was withered from age, but not even age fazed their beauty. The road led to a stage where large rocks curled upwards into an arch with small cracks in them, a large hole in the middle of them.

"The portal," Kazuma said as he came up beside Mei. Takashi and Kalik walked up beside them and stared in wonder at the scene. Mei walked down the path with Kazuma close behind her, her eyes scanning the pillars. Old bloodstains painted the pillars, old enough to where it looked like rust. Mei ran her hand over it, and then continued up towards the portal. Kalik and Takashi made their way after them, determined to see them off. Mei observed the portal, putting her hand through the hole. Mei stepped back and transformed into her demon, her light purple hair falling behind her. Kazuma transformed as well, and the cracks inside the rocks began to fill with energy due to their presence. The energy swirled through the cracks and filled the hole, a clouded light filling the void. The portal looked like a peaceful wave of energy.

"I'm guessing this is goodbye," Kalik said walking towards the base of the stage, his face clouded with depression.

"I guess so," Mei said, her throat starting to close up from emotion. She looked at them, determined for them not to see her sad. "Make sure you give your all for the restoration for this world okay?"

"Naturally," Takashi said winking at her. "We wouldn't give half effort now. We've been through way too much not to." Kalik directed his attention towards Kazuma, a playful smirk on his face.

"Kazuma, you filthy bastard," Kalik said with a smile. "You won, so make sure you take care of Mei."

"At the cost of my life," Kazuma promised, a grin appearing on his face. Mei flickered her eyes between the two of them, her eyes narrowing in irritation.

"Won what?" Mei asked.

"It's a game between guys. Girls wouldn't understand," Takashi said smirking. Mei rolled her eyes, and then addressed Kalik.

"If you need me, I'll come back. I still have my promise," Mei said sadly. Mei felt her heart tremble at Kalik's expression. "Don't give me that face Kalik. We'll always be together, so don't worry. We'll meet again."

"Friends for life," Kalik said smiling, as if sealing the promise. Mei sadly smiled at him and Takashi, their smiling faces making the knot in her stomach tighten up even more. Mei bowed to them, the way a demon would bow to its elders. Placing her left foot directly behind her right to where the arch was in the heel, she bowed low, her back as flat as a board. She curled her right arm in an arch near her stomach and her tail wrapped around her legs. Standing back up, she waved at them, and noticed the small tears gathering at the base of their eyes.

"Just know we'll meet again, Kalik," Mei said as tears gathered in her eyes despite all her efforts.

"I'll take your word for it," Kalik said sadly. Mei turned and walked through the portal and Kazuma followed closely behind her. Mei took a couple of steps in and her breath caught. Before her was a humongous palace and mountains surrounded it. Mei looked around, taking in the sight of her world. The air was completely still; the grass around her was black, like it had been caught on fire. Everything had a dark aura to it and Mei noticed there was no sign of life to be found anywhere; everything was dead. The sky seemed frozen between day and night, having the color of the sunset and stars lining the clouds.

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