Chapter Twenty-Four

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Mei didn't want to believe her eyes. The courtyard was completely silent, and Soushi stood inches away from Kalas with a smile on his face. Im-Impossible, Mei thought as her body went numb. Soushi chuckled and took a step forward. Mei racked her brain for an explanation, but she couldn't find one. Then it dawned on Mei; the only one who wasn't in her dream that should've been dead was Soushi.

"Mei, why the look of shock? I thought you said you knew," Soushi said. Mei took a step back, blood splashing at her heels. This isn't what Mei had expected! Mei could only imagine what was going on in the Kalik's and Takashi's mind.

"You're supposed to be dead!" Taichi exclaimed as his mouth dropped open in shock. Soushi chuckled, finding the situation to be humorous.

"Supposed to be, yes. But I'm not and I'll tell you why. I have been in league with Osamu for a very long time."

"Captain!" Takashi and Kalik yelled, finally finding their voices. Soushi narrowed his eyes at them.

"Give me a break boys. Did you honestly think when I put myself in front of Kazuma and Mei I would actually die? No, I don't believe in sacrificing my life for something that's not supposed to even be here. Not that I could die, for that matter. I merely did it so I could continue my work, completely out of the picture."

"Bastard," Kazuma growled as his eyes flared with anger.

"How long were you working for Osamu?" Kalik yelled, anger coursing through him.

"Didn't I tell you I have seen many things in my time? I worked behind the scenes ever since the demons came into this world. Osamu wouldn't have been able to find the temple without my guidance. And now that Mei is in the picture, I'm taking command now. Does that make sense to you, Kalik? I've been alive just as long as Osamu has. That's why I know so much." Mei gritted her teeth together as Soushi smiled at her. She was deceived, from the very beginning. All of them were.

"It's gotta be a lie, Captain," Takashi said shaking his head. "You talked about the hope we brought. You said Mei could save the world!"

"And I meant every word I said about the matter," Soushi said nodding his head. "I don't lie completely for the fun of it. Mei would've saved the world had she not been hesitant. But she wanted to save her friends, to whom she holds no ties too. Feeling ashamed, Mei? If you hadn't hesitated, none of this would've happened. That's what happens when you put your feelings first."

"You lying, son of a bitch," Taichi growled viciously, his hand tightening on the hilt of his sword.

"From the beginning, you planned this," Mei said, finally finding her voice. She looked up angrily at Soushi, her hatred for him rising within her. She wanted to wipe the smirk clean off of his face with her sword. "You planned it all." Soushi shrugged his shoulders in arrogance.

"Of course, Mei. It is common sense for me to plan ahead."

"You mentioned a temple," Mei said narrowing her eyes. "What temple?"

"My dear princess, the temple that connects this world to yours. The temple holds the portal. I found it, and Osamu arranged the slaughter."

"Then how did you know about the princess?" Kazuma snarled.

"Through the scrolls and books found within the temple. Not everything is just legends. Of course, everything fell into place when I discovered Hintani. When Hintani first sent the letter to join the clan, I was intrigued someone from Irailia wanted to join. I knew Irailia was nothing but a giant marketplace, where merchants come and go. So I investigated a bit before answering him. I knew he was hiding something, I just didn't know what. That's why I let him join the Shin Clan in the first place; to discover his secret. It helped he did have some skill with the sword, so it looked as if he got in with mere talent. When I sent him on missions, I went through his journals, eager to discover his secret. I found letters from someone named Anonymous, and now I realize it was you, Mei, who wrote him those letters."

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