Chapter 5 : The New Normal

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It hit me when I was in the shower the next morning. I had freaking passed out last night. Full on loss of consciousness for 8 hours. And then when I woke up, I noticed I could hear Kit humming under his breath downstairs and I could smell the fact that he and Whitney had cuddled last night (Sigh) even though he'd already washed this morning. The most disturbing thing was that I had been up for nearly a half hour, with no overstimulation whatsoever. It was like my brain had just adjusted overnight.

Springing from the warm water (I could see, feel, hear, smell and track every droplet), grab a towel and rush my computer, opening a chat window with the Virals plus Chance and Ella. Though I suppose they're equally Viral-ed now.

Firing off a quick "Video Chat Now" to all them, I throw on my uniform for school. Because dealing with snobs was exactly how I wanted to spend my Monday, let alone trying to deal with, dare I say it, super senses. Coop rolls over, stares at me with one eye open, then covers his face with his paws. Assumedly to get some more sleep.

A beep from my PC lets me know everyone's good to go. I try not to think that I was across the room, that I have headphones plugged in and the volume quiet. Five bleary eyed faces stare back at me.

"So, I can assume had some sensory overload last night? Before passing out? Right?" I ask, straight to the point. Sounds and gestures of agreement confirm it.

"You knew that last night, Tory." Hi says, frustration clearly evident all over his face. "Remember, we talked from each others freaking bedroom before going to the land of sleep. And plus we're obviously fine this morning."

"So you can normally," I pause for a second and cock my head, "hear all of our parents talking on the ferry to Loggerhead? I think you're having spaghetti bolognaise for dinner tonight, Hiram."

It finally gets though their heads that everything is not normal. They suddenly look very awake.

"Well." Ella responds, "School's going to be wonderful.


The six of us met up at the gate. Even Chance, who said he had "nowhere better to be". He makes us all feel just wonderful when he says "I'm glad I didn't have this when I went to high school. I can smell the body odour and sexual tension from here." When Hi looks at him with approval of his comment, Chance looks strangely worried.

"Alright. Let's just get this over with." Ben says before looking at Shelton. "Shelton, what are you doing?" Shelton looks a lot like he's hyperventilating.
"I'm getting all the fresh oxygen I can. I have no wish to suffocate on the stench of my classmates." he says, ridiculously.

Though, to be honest, I take a deep breath of my own before entering the doors.

Only to run into the Tripod of Skank. Great.

"Oh no, Ella. Don't tell me you're socialising with the boat people." Says Miss Ashley Bodford, leader of the Skanks. Courtney stands to the side of her with a look that's probably to be a smirk, but kind of looks like she ate a lemon. Madison says a quiet brief "hi" before strutting off in her heels. Apparently she's still not over the eye thing.

"Yep. Such a tragedy. I've abandoned backstabbing and gossiping for people who are interested in me and can walk without stepping on others. Goodbye Ashley, Courtney." Ella rebuts before walking off, the rest of the Virals following her, grinning.

Once she's turned the corner, she leans up against a locker, looking as if she's just run a mile. "God, I've wanted to do that for years." she says. Hi looks like he's idolising her. Again.

"C'mon," I reply, bumping her shoulder, a smile wider than a clowns on my face, "Let's get to class."


Lunch Time. Finally.

We rush outside, trying our best not to full on sprint, looking for fresh air. Bursting through the doors, Hi falls to his knees, hands raised up. "Thank you, God, for allowing me to breathe once again.

"Well I, for one, am going to find a spot as far away from as many people as possible. Anyone joining me?" A chorus of agreements follow. We find a nice spot underneath an old oak tree in the back corner of the school property, the choir of birds and the drifting leaves a nice respite from the roar of the school, which was still audible.

"How are we supposed to even do this?" Shelton queries, "We can barely handle the noise here, let alone in the actual building."

"I don't know, Shelton. Practice? Noise cancelling headphones?" I answer.

"Everything will be fine, Shelton." Ella says, as Ben nods in support.

"Yep everything's gonna be peachy keen, man... OH GOD! NOT FINE! ABORT! TURN IT OFF!" Hi suddenly starts screaming.

"Hi. Hi! What's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm never going to be able to look at squirrels the same way again. GET A ROOM, FILTHY RODENTS!" he continues, our laughter and own cries of disgust, as we realise what we'd been eavesdropping on, echoes around us. I can't help but think it's kind of nice.


Hope that at least made a grin happen :) I sincerely hope none of you are insulted by my use of the term God, if so, let me know and I will adjust it. So, kudos comments subscribe. Whatever you're cool with.

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