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Please Note : The Virals series belongs to Kathy Reichs & Brendan Reichs, NOT me, so all credit to them for their incredible imaginations and the beauty that is the Virals. Regardless, this progression of the story is from my imagination, so pleeeaasssee don't copy. Anyway, um enjoy my first published work of any sort. Also, I have only have easy access to the first four books, so if there are any blaring plot holes, feel free to criticize the hell outta me.


Cerulean orbs stared back at me, reflected in the depths of the mirror before me. The influx of emotions (horror, confusion, surprise, concern, anger, hope) flowed through me before the atypical green returned.

"What the ..." I stuttered under my breath, shock overwhelming every sense. And of course, I did what any sane person would do. Squishing my face up to my mirror, I stared back into my eyeball frightened, maybe even hopeful, looking for evidence that brain still had some sanity left. Alas, all I saw was my pupil dilating in the light.

"That's it. I've lost it. After all we've been through, insane scientists , pirate treasure, bombs, hurricanes, lunatic peers, rival packs. After all that, I start doubting myself when a flash of light changes the colour of my eyes. And now I'm freaking talking to myself! Wonderful! Just great." Curling up into a ball by my window, I gaze out to the ocean. Cooper, the stubborn pup he is, noses his way past the closed door and nudges my hand.

Gazing down at the adorableness, I try to reassure the mothering wolf-dog. "It's fine, Coop. Mommy's just going insane."
Coop has the decency to look rather pleased at my statement, grinning at me before going belly-up beside me. Scratching his pale stomach, I breathe in the smell of comfort and happiness, and listen to the small chuffs he makes at me.

"You always know how to make Mommy feel better, don't you?" I say to him, with a barely-there smile. Coop just gives me a look like he's saying "What are you talking about? I just wanted a scratch", but we both know better.

Taking a deep breath, I noticed the odor of happiness appeared to be coming from something, rather than just my personal perspective. Sniffing like, well, a dog, my nose was drawn to Coop, who was still smiling like a maniac at me.

Don't think it Tory, don't think it Tory. Almost as soon as it had appeared, it was gone, just my interpretation of a perfectly normal situation. Coop suddenly bounds up barking at the door, snapping me from my thoughts. Right. Walk Time.

The only time I could smell emotions was when I was flaring, so why did I suddenly think...
Rising steadily to my feet, I head towards the door. Cooper stops and stares at me, with concern. "I'm fine Dog Breath, just going insane, like I said." His parenting job done, Coop escapes from my room bounding off to the beach, presumably.

"Yep, just going insane."


Any response would be awesome so feel free to vote/comment.

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