Those six weeks were challenging. With our lack of sleep and constant company, Edward and I were at each other's throats. I was also beginning to experience a severe bout of post partum depression. I also finally realized that I couldn't have any more children and I fell apart. Edward saw me at my worst and he tried to extend his paternity leave. The hospital denied his request and he was ready to quit. I begged for him to go back and I would be fine. Sue was with me for a couple of weeks after he did go back and I managed to get a few appointments with my therapist and a prescription for an anti-depressant. I actually ended up taking the rest of the school year off. After six months, I had finally grieved my uterus and moved past my depression.

In the fall following our children's birth, I started at Cherry Blossom as the dean. Not a principal, but still an administrative position. Franklin Bendis was summarily fired after being discovered getting head from a teacher in his office while I was on maternity leave. Mr. Merritt was placed into the principal position and Autumn, the dean moved up to assistant principal. They decided to keep that partnership and interviewed several people for the dean position. I got it. I was still under the teacher's contract but got a hefty stipend for my dean duties. I also got my summers off. They were shorter, but two months off is better than no months off. Edward was extraordinarily supportive of my decision and he was very proud of my promotion.

I was putting the candles on the cake when I felt two tiny hands on my leg. I looked down and saw my youngest daughter. I bent down and picked her up, balancing her on my hip. "What's wrong, love?"

She closed her eyes and put her bronze head on my shoulder. I knew not to expect an answer. Marie doesn't speak. She has no social skills. The only people she allows to touch her are Edward, Esme, Sue, Carlisle and me. The educator in me looks at my daughter and sees a child with some sort of developmental delay. The momma in me wants to make her normal. We took Marie to specialists and they can't pinpoint why she refuses to talk. "It's your birthday, Re Re. You're four today. Momma's so proud of you," I whispered. "I love you."

Marie tugged on my ear, giving me a smile. It was her way of saying I love you back. I kissed her forehead and carried her outside to the party. The backyard was decked out with a luau theme. Edward was teaching EJ and David how to throw a baseball. I looked at him and he was amazing. He was still has gorgeous as he was when I met him. He had gotten some gray hair along the temples of his head. However, it gave him a distinguished air to him. He was still in tremendous shape. Jasper, Jacob and Edward all ran the Boston marathon last year and he got hooked on running. His skin was still pale but had a few more wrinkles, predominantly around the eyes because he smiled so much.

Jacob and Ren, who celebrated a commitment ceremony over summer vacation three years ago, were talking with the girls: Grace, Lizzie and their own daughter, Claire, a Chinese girl about six years old. In Ren's hair was a large bow. Lizzie was giving Ren a makeover. No doubt an idea implanted into her young mind by Auntie Alice. Claire was painting Jacob's fingernails and Grace was putting makeup on Ren's face. Alice was snapping pictures with Esme and Sue.

Emmett was chatting with Ben at the grill. Angela and Rose were sitting on a bench, cradling Rose's baby boy, Evan. Rose and Emmett got married in a Vegas extravaganza one weekend after he proposed. They tried to get pregnant right away, but had difficulty. After a few rounds of in vitro, Evan was conceived and he was born in the beginning of August. Angela was pregnant with her baby. She didn't want to know the gender, but she was about to pop.

Sue and Esme were chatting by the pool, their feet dangling in the water. Carlisle and Charlie were planning. I think Charlie was trying to convince Carlisle to go fishing with him. I would pay money to see that. Charlie in his multi-pocketed vest and fishing hat trying to teach a refine Carlisle how to bait a hook. Edward went once with Charlie but got so sea sick that Charlie refused to take him again.

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