The Baby

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Author's Note: I own nothing. I just like to play with the characters that were created by Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.

Also, thank you for those of who have commented and offered well-wishes in my difficult time. It means a lot to me. Writing these stories has been my strength (as silly as that sounds) and has grounded me.

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. It means so much to me. More than you can imagine. These stories (this one in particular) are my babies and I adore the reviews and comments I receive. Much, much love to ALL of you!

Chapter 35: The Baby

We slowly calmed down and looked into each other's eyes. "I love you, Bella. Happy Valentine's Day," Edward said with a lopsided grin.

"Hmmm, I think Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday now," I giggled. "I love you, so much, Edward. Happy Valentine's Day. Do you like your present?"

"Very much," he said as he ran his hands over the boning of the corset. "Especially these," he said as he snapped the panties. "Easy access."

"Perv," I laughed.

"But, I'm your perv," he countered. Edward cupped my face and kissed me sweetly. Things were getting more and more heated when Edward's cell phone rang on the nightstand. "Fuck my life," he grumbled. I got off his lap and he picked up the phone. "Dr. Masen...Slow down, Jas...We'll be right there." Edward hopped up off the bed and pulled up his jeans.

"Edward? What is it?" I asked.

"Alice is in labor," Edward answered.

I blinked a few times. Alice is in labor. As in, having a baby. As in...HOLY SHIT! "It's too soon. The baby is not due until March, right?"

"The first week in March. It's not too soon," Edward said, a grin over his face. "Are you going to get dressed or am I going to have to drag you to the hospital wearing that?"

I looked down at my clothes, or rather lack thereof, and blushed. I hopped off the bed and ran into the closet, grabbing some yoga pants, fresh underwear and a fleece. I ran into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. I ran a washcloth between my legs and got dressed in my comfy clothes. I walked out of the bathroom and I slipped on my socks and sneakers. Edward walked out of the closet, wearing a button down shirt that was untucked and a pair of Chucks. I licked my lips, wanting round two. "Bella, get your mind out of the gutter. We have to go. Our nephew is going to come into the world."

"Right," I said. I swept my hair up into a ponytail and we headed down to the garage. Edward started the Volvo and we drove to Craven. We got there in record time and headed up to labor and delivery. Carlisle and Esme were there, waiting for news. "Anything?" I asked.

"They just brought her into surgery," Carlisle said with a look of distress on his face. "The baby is breach and the cord is wrapped around his neck. They're prepping her for an emergency C-Section."

"When did she go into labor?" Edward asked.

"She was feeling it all day," Esme answered. "Her water broke around five this evening."

"Will Alice and the baby be alright?" I asked. "That doesn't sound good, 'breach' and 'cord wrapped around his neck.'"

"As long as they get the baby out quickly, they'll both be fine," Carlisle assured me.

"How long does a C-section take?" I questioned, looking at the two medical experts.

"Depends on how risky the pregnancy is. She should be in recovery in a few hours," Edward said as he led me to the chairs in the waiting area. Esme sat next to me and she nervously fidgeted with her pants. Edward took out his Blackberry and appeared to be checking email. I looked around the room for anything to do. In my haste, I didn't grab my purse or more importantly my bag filled with papers to graded. I mentally slapped myself for that oversight, but Edward was excited to get here. I found a discarded magazine and idly flipped through it. There was nothing of interest in it. I hopped up and began pacing. "Bells?"

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