Chapter 6

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         A large whip of electricity shot up the doctor's back. He immediatly fell down, gasping for air. "DOCTOR!" Em rushed over, but got stopped by a crown of figures. "LET ME GO YOU MORONS!" The emperor came down from the stairs and started laughing. He had a huge red robe on, with a black roman helmet. "Well, if it isint the cute liitle doctor, and his girlfriend." Em was ferious. "I'MNOT HIS GIRLFRIEND! IM HIS FRIEND YOU CREEP! LEAVE HIM ALONE OR-" A sharp stab of electricity went all the up her spine and choked her. "STOP TALKING OR I'LL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH YOU MISERABLE HUMAN!" He quickly looked down at the doctor. "WHO IS THIS EXCUSE FOR A PERSON?" The doctor was still coughing. "I-wo-to-nt I-Wont-t-t-tell you any-anything!" The emporer kicked the doctor on the back of the head. 

         Em was crying very much now. She couldent talk, because she knew she would die, but she had to save the doctor. "WHO, IS, SHE!?" The emperor screamed. The doctor was still silent. A sharp knife cut his back. Em wanted to kill him so bad. She angerily looked at the emperor in his eyes. The doctor must save me from this hell. Em went wide eyed. "Emperor, I can save you." He looked at her, with a painful look. "No you can't nobody can! GOD'S ABANDONED US!" Em concentrated. ech part boc. ech part boc ech part boc. "Whats that chant you keep saying?!" she stopped crying. "I dont sing it, the demons do!" Em looked angry. "Tell me what it means!" He looked at her and started trembeling. "Time is running out. The clock is ticking. When its time, everything.." She struggled. "EVERYTHING DEAD!" He started crying blood and dropped to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2013 ⏰

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