Chapter 5

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         Em's mother started floating towards her. "Mum!" She exclaimed, crying. "Mum, you died of cancer!" She didint know what to belive now. "Honey! Emerald! your safe! I'm not dead!" Em ran towards the figure, crying. "Mum! your alive! thank god!" The figure grabbed em by suprise and knocked her out with a swift punch. They woke up, both of them. The room was white, solid white. There seemed to be no end to the room, it looked endless. Em was still crying. "Doctor, I'm brave. I don't get scared easily, why is this happening?" The doctor hugged her. "Its okay, its not you. This planet releases special gasses to pump up our emotions. this whole planet is a death trap for wondering time lords." Em wiped her tears and looked at him. 

         "You mean this whole planet was made just to kill you!?" The doctor looked around,running to find a way out. "Unfourtunatly somone, or something set this up just for me, yes. It took 5 light years to build." Em was wide eyed. "Holy crap!" Ear ripping static came on followed by a large voice. "DOCTOR. ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH WHITE TOURTURE?" The doctor looked around. "Theres a speaker around her somehwere." he whispered under his breath. "WHITE TOURTURE WILL BE THE LAST PAIN YOU GO THROUGH BEFORE YOU DIE." Em got mad. "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL HIM!?"

         The door opened. The black figures grabbed them both and took themto a large red room with a fan. There were black figures everywhere, working on something. An invention, em guessed. The figure that was holding the doctor had a garbled, drowning voice. "You will meet the empire and bow and love hime or you will die" The doctor looked mad. "You want me dead? Fine." He punched the figure and started yelling. "THE EMPIRE IS AN UTTER FOOL!" Em was terrified but she smiled. "Thats the doctor I know."

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