"I honestly have no idea. I haven't heard a word from her."

"Which was the plan at this point. We want her to think it's you, but to not be sure. That's keeping her thinking about you, and guessing. Without even trying, you're now occupying her thoughts twenty-four seven."

"You're sure about that?"

"Positive. Something like this would drive me crazy. Not knowing who to thank, thinking, you know? Being too embarrassed to do it in case you have the wrong person." She giggled. "It gets me tied up in knots just thinking about it."

"Well, thank you for your help. I appreciate it."

"Even if it doesn't work?"

"Even if it doesn't work." I responded with a smile, staring at her. I had some pretty strong emotions for this girl. "I'm just happy to have you in my life; and have I told you what a beautiful mother you are?"

Blushing, she shook her head. "No, but thank you. You and Taylor need to stop with all the compliments, though. They're going straight to my head."

"Can you blame us? I don't think I've heard that kid cry once since she was born. And you don't even look like you had a baby."

"You're too sweet."

"Nope. Not sweet at all. Just telling it like it is. Taylor got all the luck when he decided to sneak in and sweep you up."

"You'll have all that too, someday. I just know it. No woman in her right mind would pass on you."

I laughed. "Are you saying Simone isn't in her right mind?" I asked jokingly.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. She's a fool if she passes you up."

"Whatever. Hand me my kid."

She laughed and leaned forward, handing me Isabella. "You've got to quit calling her your kid. People are going to get the wrong idea."

"Hey, they can just get their minds out of the gutter. I'm the one who pulled this kid out of your..." I paused, blinking, and she cocked her head, clearly waiting to see how I was going to finish this. "Out of your down there. That means I get to claim partial ownership."

Leaning back, she folded her arms against her chest, grinning. "Does it now? I'll have to explain that to Taylor, so he knows."

"It's probably not best to remind him that I've seen you, uh, there. He's pretty possessive of his playground."

"His playground?" She laughed, shaking her head.

"Don't even try to get around this. You know that's his favorite place to be, so don't even try to say otherwise."

"Hmmm." She eyed we warily, so I stared at Isabella to avoid eye contact. "Remind me what we've done so far?"

I was grateful for the shift in subject. "Flowers the first day. Hot bakery muffins the next, and spa basket the day after that. Yesterday was the relaxing music CD."

"And today is the painting of that basketball park nearby where you told me that she takes Russell sometimes."

I nodded. "She will know for sure it's me when she gets that."

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