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Blake's POV

"How was it?" DeAndre asks, resting his hands on the pool cue as JJ calls out his pool shot.

"It was okay, wasn't how I expected it to go at all." I look over at him, and he has a worried look on his face.

"What's that look for?"

"Nothing, I just know how you are. Hopefully, you weren't being rude." He responds, bending over the table.

"I was my usual charming self."

JJ and DJ erupt in laughter.

"Nothing's funny."

"So you were annoying?" JJ asks through his fit of laughter.

"I'm not annoying. I prefer charming."

"Yeah, sure. If that's what you want to call it." DJ grabs his bottle of water taking a swig.

"Whatever man, you guys are jerks. She's not my type anyways."

"I thought everyone was your type?" DeAndre questions, stifling a laugh.

"That was low. That was really low DJ," I chuckle a bit, lining up my shot.

"Okay, but really how was it?" JJ moves around the table to face me.

Leaning up from over the table after I missed my shot, I lean on my pool cue. "It was alright I guess, she's different. Not how I expected it to be at all."

"Define different." DeAndre responds.

"She asked a lot of questions, and she knew a lot about me."

"Well, you are famous. Lots of people know lots of stuff about you." JJ reiterates.

"No, it was different. I felt like even though we'd just met, she could see right through me."

"She married?" DJ asks.

"No idea, she had on a wedding ring though. I asked, but she kind of evaded the question." I shrugged, thinking about my next shot.

"Interesting." DeAndre and JJ mutter in sync.

I shouldn't even be thinking of her, she's only my therapist. Most likely after that appointment I was out of her head by the end of it. I see her tomorrow morning for my next appointment, if I have to admit I'm pretty anxious about it.

"He's thinking about her right now," DJ says to JJ snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No I'm not. Leave me alone, don't you guys have a plane to catch?"

"Actually we do, we should leave now. Don't have too much fun at your appointment tomorrow." JJ chuckles grabbing his water bottle.

"Wish us luck on our game, Blake." DJ walks over, doing our handshake.

"I'll be watching, you already know. I really wish I could be there to play though."

"Soon, just do what you gotta do."

Just do what you gotta do.

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