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Blake's POV

DeAndre caught my attention as I was walking onto the bus, and he motioned for me to take the seat next to him in the back.

"What's up?" He questioned when I sat down.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb, man. You've been mopey all day, even though you're almost ready to play. I thought you'd be more excited. So there's obviously something going on with you. What is it?"

I sighed, laying my head back against the seat. "You know I've been seeing Simone lately." I started.

"Yeah, I know. You've been better."

I looked at him. "Do you know anything about her past?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. Why?"

"She was married three years ago. Her husband was killed in action in Afghanistan trying to protect their friends."

"Is that why she got so involved in helping returning soldiers?"

I nodded. "Yeah, and you know I haven't told Marieka or Taylor about how I've been acting and they were at my house."

"You still haven't told them, Blake?" DeAndre sighed.

I rubbed a hand over my face. "I know DJ, I know. So when I had an appointment, I let them think I had a date."

"With Simone?"

"Yeah, and then they insisted that I invite her over so they could meet her. I asked her to come to my house and pretend to be my girlfriend in front of them."

"So, what's the problem?"

"I'm not done yet. You know Marieka went into labor at my house and I delivered the baby. Afterwards, Simone and I, we kind of had sex in the kitchen."

DJ's eyes widened in surprise. "How the hell did you manage that?"

I chuckled a bit, stretching my legs out in front of me. "After the clean up, I noticed a little spot of blood on my shirt-"

"Oh, so you used that as an excuse to show her the goods didn't you?" DeAndre wiggled his eyebrows.

I nodded. "Yes, and then it all went downhill from there."

"Downhill? It couldn't have been that bad."

"No, far from it. The sex was great. Hot, fast, and up against the wall. Then when we were finished, reality hit her hard. She basically ran away, and said that we would talk about it later. Simone ignored my texts and calls for three days, so I went and talked to her before I boarded the plane." I paused, looking at him for a reaction.

"What did you guys talk about?"

"I basically told her that I wanted to date and her and she's still in love with the other guy." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Well my friend, you have come to the right person."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, a smile forming on my face.

"You forgot I'm fluent in female speak. She likes you bro, you just have to make her want it."

"How do I do that?"

"Luckily, I know exactly what to do here. You need to make her keep thinking you of you, in a good way. So, I'm thinking maybe you should send her flowers at the office, chocolates maybe, because that way she'll be asking herself if it was you who sent them. That way, you're all she's thinking about."

"First of all, how do you even know this? Secondly, since when do you understand women?"

"Don't worry about it. Just take my advice. It'll work."

Simone's POV

Kennedy handed me a glass of wine, and sat on the other side of me on my couch. Maria was on the other side, and Russell was sitting in a recliner, waiting for a basketball game to come on.

"What's going on with you sis? You haven't asked me about my grades at all." Maria said, tucking her feet underneath her.

"I can't talk about it in here, Russ is right there." I replied, sipping on my glass of wine slowly.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen." Kennedy said, standing and leading the way.

Once we were all seated at the island, Maria started again. "What's wrong?"

I sighed heavily. "You know how I was asking you for advice about Blake the other day, Kennedy?"

She nodded. "Yeah, you went over there right?"

I nodded. "I did, and his sister in law went into labor. Blake birthed the baby which really surprised me that he knew what he was doing."

"Blake knows how to birth a baby? How? Why were you over there?" Maria asked.

"Blake told his brother and his sister in law that we were dating, and they wanted to meet me. So I went to his house and pretended to be his girlfriend."

"How did it go?" Kennedy asked, leaning forward.

"It was okay, up until after Marieka gave birth, and everyone left."

"What happened, Mo?" Maria pressed.

"Blake and I, we had sex."

Maria and Kennedy both turned looking at each other, their mouths gaping open. "You guys had what?"

"Blake and I had sex."

"Oh my God, tell us everything. How was it? I can only imagine, a man that has a body like that." Maria sighed heavily.

"It was good, great actually. I'm just having some regrets right now."

"Why would you have regrets if you said it was good?" Kennedy asked.

"First of all, it was a spur of the moment thing and we didn't use protection."

"Oh my God, Simone," Maria said.

"I know, that's not okay. The second thing is that I just feel bad, about Christian."

"That's understandable, you were with Christian for a long time and you will always love him. I think it's okay for you to move on now." Kennedy nodded, downing the contents in her glass.

"Yeah, it's okay to still love him, but eventually you'll move on. Blake is a good guy, and I think you two would be great together."

"You guys sound like him," I sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"He came over yesterday before his plane ride, and talked to me. I was ignoring him and I guess he got tired of it. Yet, he was so understanding and sweet."

"He's perfect for you, Simone. Please don't push him away, I already know that's exactly what you're going to do, just give him a chance." Maria rubbed my back.

"I don't know. I'll need to think about it."

"Mom! The game is starting!" Russell yelled.

We all stood and walked back into the living room sitting in our original spots. I watched the TV screen intently, until the camera panned and landed on Blake. He was dressed in a suit, and I'd never seen him look so good.

"It's a sign." Maria said, nudging me as he smiled at his teammates. "That's one killer smile he's got."

This has been done for centuries, and I never posted it lol.

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