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Simone's POV

I made it through the morning just fine, keeping myself busy as usual. An overworked mind didn't have time to wallow in misery and self-pity, like I'd found myself doing the previous night. My unscheduled tears led to too many glasses of wine and falling asleep wrapped in nothing but a towel on top of my bed, clutching the photo of Russel, Christian and I together.

I'm not focused on that right now, I'm here to see my son play the final leg in his basketball tournament, their team going undefeated all day and Russell shining all day playing the hardest he's ever played.

"Where did he learn to play basketball like this?" Maria, my youngest sister asks.

"I have no idea, he's doing good though isn't he?"

"Good? He's better than every kid on the team," Kennedy exclaims as Maria and I shush her.

"These other kids parents are sitting around us. Stop it before one of them gets upset."

"For telling the truth and supporting my nephew?" Kennedy questions sarcastically.

"You know what I mean, stop being a smart ass." I talk through a laugh, covering my mouth.

"I miss you guys so much, we don't FaceTime nearly as much as we used to," Maria whines.

"I miss you too, what's been going on? Besides work and Russell." Maria and Kennedy turn to me.

"Nothing, exactly that. Work and Russell." I say, making them shake their heads.

"You have got to get out there and live a little. I live only a couple blocks away from you for a reason, so you can still have fun!" Kennedy replies.

"I'm having fun with you guys, I don't need anyone else to be there for me." I shrug, looking up as the buzzer goes off for the end of halftime and Russell signals to me that he needs something to drink.

"I'll be back, I'm going to buy him a Gatorade from the concession stand." I get up, walking down the stairs.

They're always worried about me, and I'm fine. I don't need anyone else in my life right now but them, they all make me happy and keep me grounded. I take the Gatorade from the man, wiping it of its excess water, making my way back into the gym.

I look for Russell and he runs over quickly taking it from me. "Thanks Mom!" He runs back over to his bench, and joining the huddle.

My phone begins vibrating in my back pocket, I don't recognize the caller I.D, but they've been calling me all day. If it's work, it can wait. I'll be back in the office on Monday morning, and if it's really important Alyssa, my assistant will call me and tell me. I tuck my life phone away, moving back up the bleachers and taking my spot next to my sisters.

"You all want to go to Dairy Queen after this? I'm hungry." I ask, looking at them.

"If you're going to invite that fine friend of yours I'll be there." Kennedy answers excitedly.

"Are you talking about Wesley or Max?" I ask with a hint of amusement in my voice.

"It really doesn't matter actually, they're both good looking and Mom always said there is nothing wrong with having choices." She adds a wink in, making us erupt in laughter.

"They couldn't stay for his last game today, but if you would've gotten here earlier like I told you to, you would've seen them." Maria says, shaking her head.

"Since when am I on time for anything? You should know this by now."

"Shut up and watch the game, I'll call them before we leave." I sigh, turning and focusing.

I've always been the mediator for my sisters, they are constantly bickering and it drives me insane, but I love them. They've stuck with me through everything, and I will forever be grateful for them being here for me.

Blake's POV

"Blake we should leave, we have practice in the morning." DeAndre tells me, pushing my drink away.

"You have practice, I'm suspended remember?" My vision blurs slightly, and I stand upright.

"I told you we shouldn't have came here with him." JJ sighs, sitting on one of the stools at the bar.

"We couldn't let him come here by himself and do something he'll regret in the morning." Austin says, turning and looking at me.

The strobing lights, and pulsing music around me make it hard to think and make coherent thoughts as I think of what to say.

"Blake, get up we're leaving." DJ tells me, grabbing my arm and helping me up.

"Let me say goodbye to, oh I forgot her name." I chuckle, letting my eyes close.

"My goodness BG, you're really out of it." Austin or JJ says, I can't tell the difference between any of them anymore as they all help me out of the night club.

I just wanted to go out and have a good time with my friends, and maybe bring someone back home with me. I wanted to get my mind off of the ultimatum I was given earlier this week, I don't want to do therapy sessions, I feel like that there is nothing wrong with what I'm doing, I'm just being me. Apparently Doc has been trying to set me up an appointment with her, but he hasn't been getting an answer. After he told me that, it made me mad so I invited DJ, JJ, and Austin to come out and party with me.

"Blake, coach is going to kill us when he sees you tomorrow," Austin holds the door open for me, letting me get in the backseat.

"I'll handle it." I lay my head back, in a complete bliss state, letting my mind wander all over the place as everyone piles in the car and DJ begins driving.

I looked up the woman I'm supposedly supposed to be seeing soon, Simone Graham. She graduated the top of her class, and she is strikingly beautiful and reminds me a lot of April. Her dark skin, and in her picture she smiles just like April. The last night I saw April comes to mind, making me cringe at all of the terrible things I said to her out of anger and frustration of the situation we were in at that time.

I usually don't regret anything I do or say, life is too short to worry about that, but what I did to April was terrible and I'll be forever remorseful.

Pretty please tell me your thoughts. What do you think Blake did??


Fate || Blake GriffinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora