The climb part 18

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Part 18

Emma p.o.v

"Ow, my face." I said lying on the ground. I felt someone put their hands on my waist and pull me up. "Uhm, Em your nose its bleeding. Here sit down. I'll get something to clean it up." I sat down on the stool. Harry rushed over with some paper towel, and started to clean up the blood. Niall got some ice in a tea towel, and handed it to me. "Thanks."

Bella p.o.v

I walked down stairs to see Em sitting there holding a tea towel to her nose. "Uhm, Harry what happened to Em?" he walked over to her. "Well lets just say don't steal Niall's food then run. She fell over." I stood there. Holding back a laugh. "Hey it's not funny. My nose is like a blood fountain." I turned to walk out "I wasn't laughing the blood. I was laughing at the fact that you tried to take Niall's food." with that I walked out.

Liam p.o.v

Bella came out into the lounge room and joined me on the couch. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her onto my lap. "So did you like meeting my family?" I asked. "No," she started, but I thought that she loved it. "I loved it! Your family are so nice." she continued. "I was worried for a second there," I said, I pulled her closer so there was a small space between us. I leant in and we began kissing. There was a cough from beside us. "I hate to tell you this guys but this is not a make out room. If you would please go to your room or stop." Harry said sitting next to us grabbing the tv remote. "Em! Is your nose any better? Come sit out here." Harry said. Emma came out and joined us on the couch. "I dont think you should ever try steal Niall's food again. No one should."She stuck her tounge out at me. "What im being serious. He tried to eat Zayn's hand once!" She just nodded and turned to the tv.

Harry p,o,v

"Hey Liam. Didn't Uncle Simon say that he was having a party tonight. Something about everyone signed to Syco?" I knew this would get the girls excited. "Uh, yeah. Doesn't it start at 7?" Bella stood up straight away, "Em we need to get ready!" They both ran up stairs.

Emma p.o.v

"What am I going to wear?" I asked Belle. She always new what to wear. She went over to the cupboard and started to rummage through it. "This," she said throwing a floral play suit onto the bed. Followed by a brown leather jacket and some black heels. "Now what about you?" I asked her. "oh that's all sorted. See." she said pointing to a short black dress with lace sleeves and some bright red heels. We both left our hair curly and went down stairs

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