Chapter 1- The Philosopher's Stone

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Author’s note: As many of you know, I am currently working on two projects: My brother cross-over stories (‘Leave Me’ and ‘A life worth living’) and the outtakes from my story ‘Trust Me’. Recently I have been able to resume writing (after a 4 month break), with the intention of posting another chapter of ‘Leave Me’. This particular chapter was meant to cover years 1 to 4 of Harry’s schooling from Severus’ point of view, because I desperately wanted to briefly explore the role Severus played in the significant events Harry experienced during the first four years of his time at Hogwarts. What was originally meant to be a normal-sized chapter has become a story almost in and of itself. It was not long before I realised just how much Severus would have contributed (behind the scenes) during those four years, and I wanted to do it justice. So, this is the first chapter of what has now become ‘The Struggles of a Spy’ which is basically Severus’ POV of the various events that occurred during The Philosopher’s Stone.

Please note that you do NOT need to read ‘Leave Me’ to understand this chapter as it is purely canon based. The only exception to this will be chapters 3 and 4, but I will explain this when I manage to post up these chapters. For those of you who do read ‘Leave Me’, I will only update that story once all four chapters of this one have been completed- I will then combine them into one document and post it as a (very long) chapter under ‘Leave Me’. So this little story means you don’t have to wait as long!

Enough chat for now; I really hope you enjoy my interpretation of what Severus went through during Harry’s first year at Hogwarts.

Happy reading!

‘The Struggles of a Spy’

Chapter 1- The Philosopher’s Stone

Severus’ POV

Traditionally ‘The Sorting’ had been a mildly interesting event at best. The only real interest I had in it was the opportunity to take a good look at the newest members of Slytherin House, especially if I knew them to be the offspring of Death Eaters. My colleagues generally took more interest in the occasion than I did, or at least they appeared to by leaning further forward in their chairs with wide, inquisitive eyes. The conversations that took place at the staff table were usually uneventful as the professors discussed their curriculum or a particular student who had caused them grief the previous year. I would usually engage in such banter to ensure I did not offend my colleagues by appearing indifferent to their concerns. Such was the routine I had grown accustomed to over the years as a member of staff during the Sorting Ceremony.

But this Sorting was different.

As I entered the Great Hall and sat down in my usual position at the staff table, I heard exuberant whispers coming from my fellow professors. I had hoped to hear the usual talk of our subjects and gossip about the talented and far less so students that graced our classes, but I was severely disappointed.

“Of course he’ll be in Gryffindor!” Filius asserted in his high pitched voice to Pomona who was seated on his right.

“I wonder who he will look like- will we recognise him do you think?”

“Surely that infamous scar of his will assist us there.”

I sighed heavily; this was going to be a long night.

By this stage, the remainder of the school except for the first years had entered the hall, and it seemed that everyone was leeching off the excitement of those around them. The volume of speech was ringing in my ears, and by the time the Great Hall’s large doors opened and the first years were led in by Minerva, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Although we have never stood up for the first year procession, half of my colleagues could not contain themselves, and the professor on either side of me were squatting above their seats in the hope of spotting Harry Potter first. I was sorry to observe that a few of my colleagues were far from subtle about it. I was composed enough to remain in my seat but found myself perhaps just as eager to find Mr Potter in an attempt to ease my anticipation. I scanned the sea of heads and within only four seconds I had found ‘The Chosen One’. I could not see his face clearly, but his unruly black hair and glasses were uncannily similar to his father’s silhouette.

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