It All Started With A Movie (Diall Hovato)

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Authors Note:

Hey guys! I'm not sure how many people would read this, but I hope it's good enough! This is my first story ever so please vote and comment!


Niall's POV

I'm going through a few old-ish movies that Liam got for us to watch.

Sherlock Homles- Nah!

Avatar - Seen a billion times.

Up In The Air - Nope!

Toy Story - No ways!

Camp Rock - Okay, maybe.

"Which one have you chosen Niall?'' Harry asked me.

"This one." I said, showing the DVD to Harry while giving it to Zayn so that he could put it into the DVD player. I was so hungry and the pizza we had called for hadn't arrived yet. I was just about to complain when the doorbell rang. I ran to open it and payed the pizza man. Then we all started eating the pizza while watching Camp Rock.


The movie was actually very good. The girl who was playing Mitchie was beautiful.

''What's that girl's name?" I asked.

"Which girl?" Zayn asked me.

"The girl who is playing Mitchie." I replied.

"Her name is Demi Lovato." Liam clarified.

"Demi Lovato." I muttered, trying to search my brain for that name, but to no avail.

"Aww! Does little Niall have a crush?" Louis teased in a baby-ish voice.

"No! Shut up. Lets go to sleep." I said, trying to get off topic.

After that all of us went to sleep. I was not sleepy at all so I took out my laptop and searched for 'Demi Lovato'. She was an year elder to me. I followed her on twitter and then tweeted 'Today I saw Camp Rock. Isn't @ddlovato so beautiful? Can you please make her notice me by trending #deminoticeniall?' and then I switched of my laptop and went to sleep.


*Next Morning*

Demi's POV

I woke up early in the morning and brushed my teeth. I ate my breakfast and went on Twitter. I saw all the trending topics but one specific topic caught my eye. It was called '#deminoticeniall'. Do they want me to follow that boy from the cute British-Irish boyband One Direction?

I saw some of my notifications and saw that Niall had tweeted about me. I followed him back and replied to him that he was cute as well. I got up and made myself a cold-coffee. When I came back, I saw lots of Directioner's had tweeted me, thanking me for following Niall back.

Their fans were so sweet! Suddenly, I got a DM from Niall saying, 'Hey Demi! Thanks for following back! How are you so pretty?'. I smiled at his sweetness and replied, 'You are cute as well Niall!'. We kept on chatting for at least two hours until I had to go to record songs for my newest album, 'Demi'.

Niall's POV

"Yay! She tweeted me and DM'ed me!" I screamed in joy.

The lads walked in with surprised looks on their faces.

"What happened mate?'' Liam asked me.

"Demi lovato tweeted me and DM'ed me!" I said, jumping up and down in joy.

"Oh! So Louis was right! Niall does likes Demi!'' Harry said.

My cheeks went red. It can't possibly be true, can it? I mean, I haven't even met her, and we've only chatted for two days!

Zayn interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Mate, are you okay?'' he asked .

"Yup!" I said, popping the P.

After that, they left and Demi DM'ed me back.

D - ********** is my phone number.

N - Thanks! ********** is mine. So, Demi, will you be there for the VMA's?

D - Yup! We can meet there then!

N - Yes! I would love to!

D - Of course you would ;)

N - Do you have Skype?

D - Yes.

N - I'll text you my username.

D - Okay. Bye Niall! I have to go! Recording....again!

N - Bye Demi!

I saved her number and named it 'Demi <3'.

The question was still nibbling at the back of my mind.

Do I like Demi?


How was this?


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