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Published: Oct. 8, 2016

          Ever since their last conversation about philanthropists, (Y/N) had grown distant.

          Dan knew he held no place in her life - he was just another measly person to help, and soon, when Dan did pass, she'd leave and get over him in a jiffy. Despite knowing the truth and all aspects of it, his thoughts at night kept him tossing and turning in bed and up until the sun rose from the far horizon.

          If (Y/N) did come to visit Dan on some days of the week, they stayed for almost the whole day to make up for being gone the whole week. He knew they had a life outside their work and he shouldn't interfere, but he was curious and hadn't had much to do these past couple of days without them.

          "What have you been doing?" He asked quietly, careful on treading into unknown lands. "These past couple of days, I mean. Why were you gone?"

          Dan must have hit a nerve, because the second he asked this question, they got defensive. "What I do outside working hours does not concern you," they replied simply, not bothering to give Dan any kind of recognition. Though he found it odd and rude, he let it slide and proceeded with the day.

           The next day, Dan was informed someone would be visiting him. He knew this would be them again - it always was. No one ever visited him anymore besides them. He sighed back into his hospital pillow, grateful for the company they were providing.

          Today, (Y/N) looked tired and worn out. Why they bothered to show up still, Dan didn't know, but they still remained jovial as ever despite the gray circles forming underneath their eyes and their face sunken and paler than usual. It surprised him they were still in a somewhat mood to talk, their head often dipped down and jerked back up in attempt to stay awake while talking. Dan scooted over and pat his part of the bed. "You seem tired, would you want to take a nap?" He asked in the middle of a conversation. Without reply, they slid off their shoes and crawled onto the small space Dan was able to provide for them and began to close their eyes.

          Being a former lawyer, Dan was used to observing and analyzing, but with this person it seemed the hardest.

          With their eyes closed, breathing ragged and cheeks mushed as they lay on one side, Dan could hardly get a grip of himself. His eyes trailed over their fallen face - the eye bags surely a mark of not sleeping sound these past few days. The small creases and dips their face made as their shoulders rose and fell were now prominent in the good lighting. It was potent in their form they were exhausted and frustrated.

          "You're staring," is what came out of their mouth as Dan pulled his face slightly farther from theirs. "It's rude. What do you want?"

          "To find out why you're so tired," he replied, turning his back to them so that they wouldn't  see his flushed face. The tips of his cheeks felt burnt and his nape surely was the hottest.

          "Well...simply put, it's part of my job."

           "And what exactly is that?"

           "I've been trying to find you a kidney donor."

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