
176 10 6

Published: August 27, 2016
Rewritten: -
Setting: Hospital
Point of View: Dan's

At first, he couldn't really believe who the volunteer would be.

          They acted just like his ex-girlfriend, Sage Newton. It was hard to believe they were so different, but so similar at the same time - the way they smiled, the way they talked, almost everything you couldn't differentiate from both of them. She died, almost a year and a half ago. Dan didn't really care, either way - she was feisty, too. Too much stress to deal with, but a generally nice person.

          "Hi!" They chirped once they entered the room. "My name's (Y/N) (L/N), how about you?"

          "Uhm," he replies, scratching his neck. His nape began to grow warm at the sight of the beautiful human being; gorgeous eyes, lovely body, beautiful smile. He laughed nervously. "Daniel Howell, but you can call me Dan."

          "Dan, eh?" They chuckled. They sat down. ""I know someone by that name. Can't really imagine who, though. It's...weird."

          "Lawyer, maybe?"

          "Oh yeah! You're the actual Daniel Howell?"

          "Was. I don't know what wreck I've gotten myself into. In not the same person as I was before."         

          (Y/N) jerked their head towards his direction and knit their eyebrows together. "What do you mean?"

          "Well. . . I turned into an alcoholic, but I've changed, now that I've realized it's affecting my health."

         "Oh. That's good." They chuckled and sat down. "So, why don't we talk? What's your favorite food? Music taste? Favorite class?"

         "I'd like to say I like Muse the best, for music taste." He shrugged. "In my opinion, okay, they're the best band. I mean, the SFX, the audio, the lyrics. . . they're just beautiful."

          They turned statuesque and gasped. (E/C) eyes sparkling as they chuckled lightly, turning into a large guffaw after a few minutes. "That's my favorite band!" They grinned, looking over to Dan and beginning to talk. "What's your favorite album?"

         "Well, Origin of Symmetry is pretty cool, but then..."

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