3: The Candidate for Vongola Boss and Tsuna's Suffering

Start from the beginning

I walked down with a book I was reading during free times and didn't bother lock my room and went to the kitchen to see Okaa-san serving the cooked food in the table. Reborn was already sitting on a chair and Ietsuna was still not in there. I took a seat beside Reborn and read while I wait for Nana-san to finish preparing.

Ietsuna came down from his room to join dinner when he saw me and gave me a glare.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with venom.

"Na- Okaa-san Invited me to eat with her and Reborn so if you had a problem with that don't complain to me because I could have dinner anytime later but it would be rude to not accept Na- Okaa-san's already cooked food." I replied not bothering to look up my book. I could feel Okaa-san's depressed look directing to me.

"Teme! You dare talk back to me!? Just because Reborn here defended you earlier doesn't mean you had the right to talk back to me!" Ietsuna fumed too angry to notice Okaa-san giving him a glare, and Reborn planning to beat the shit out of him and Otou-san for choosing him as the next boss of Vongola.

"Minna~ Dinner is ready so, seat down and eat." Okaa-san said. I placed my book down in time to see Okaa-san smiling a dangerously sweet smile at Ietsuna who immediately sat next the her.

Dinner was awkward. No one talk except for Okaa-san and Reborn. Okaa-san asks how my day was but I only muttered the word 'fine' and everything fell to another awkward atmosphere. The atmosphere was too heavy to eat properly so I quickly finished my meal and places my used plates at the sink then went back to my room without any more words spoken.

I entered my room to see Gio-nii along with his guardians just chillin'.

"So. How was dinner?" Gio-nii asked making everyone turn their attention at me.

"Awkward and today was strange." I replied and commented.

"How so?" Lampo-nii asked.

"They forced to have a conversation with me and it ended awkwardly, and today Nana-san called me 'Tsu-kun' which I don't know where it came from." I explained going to my bed to take a little nap before working.

"I think we have something to do with the 'Tsu-kun' part." Gio-nii said slowly and quietly.

I turned my face at them and raised an I brow indicating that they should continue.

"I had Daemon give your mother a dream where she watches herself ignore you while she fuss over Ietsuna." Gio-nii continued.

"Then?" I askd once my intuition tells me that's not all of it.

"Well as much as I don't like to do it. Giotto said to give her something she might regret," Dae-nii started. "So I gave her a nightmare about when you were crying begging your family to notice and love you. In short I gave them the memory of how you felt when they ignore you when you were a child." Dae-nii said words getting slower and more quite.

'Okaa-san, Tou-san, Help me. Its dark.... I'm... I'm scared. Help me.' Said the little five year old hiding under his sheet seeking protection from the little clothe.

He just woke up from a nightmare and was scared to look in his dark room.

I suddenly remembered the first memory I had about my fear. This caused me to had a distant look with my eyes turning cold before it left quickly. The first Generation saw it and was about ask what was wrong when I lied down and turned my back on them.

The first Generation didn't asked because it was clear that I don't want to talk about it.

When I made it clear I won't talk and was left alone I closed my eyes then took a 'nap'.

**Third Person's POV**

"I don't want to be alone." Said a child's voice. But not just any child it was five year old Tsuna's voice. Tsuna looked at the direction where the voice came from and saw the five year old Tsuna crying at the corner of the room. His father was somewhere around the world while his Mother and younger Brother went out shopping. He was suppose to go with them when his mother and brother forgot about him and left.

'Will they notice if I die now?' Came the thought of the child.

'Okaa-san, will you love me like how you love Ie-kun?' Little Tsuna thought as the scene change to where Nana was cuddling with Ietsuna.

'I always aim for the top to get you to notice me but it seems it doesn't work.' The scene changed again and little Tsuna was at his room with a perfect exams, it was ignored by his family as he cry his eyes out.

'Ne, would you scold me if I do something bad?' Little Tsuna thought as he walk by a house to see the parents scolding their child for doing something bad.

'I'm hungry. Okaa-san, when will you call me for dinner?' Little Tsuna was at his room waiting to be called down by his mother for dinner.

'I guess Okaa-san forgot to cook my share of food. Its fine maybe she is just tired. I'll just cook my own.'  Little Tsuna made his way to the kitchen to see if there was any leftover for him to eat.

'Okaa-san please look at my way too.'

'I feel hot. Maybe its just the heat, but I feel dizzy.' Little Tsuna was on his way to the kitchen to get some water but was clearly failing to move from his bed. He was having a fever alone in the house with no one to take care of him while his family went to a picnic when they saw the clear weather.

'Happy birthday to me.' Little Tsuna was in his room singing for himself with a little cupcake and little candle, for his family forgot it was also his birthday.

'Okaa-san, Tou-san, Ie-kun, I will still love you guys even if you ignore me, and when the day you finally remember me comes I promise that I will still love you.' The last thought of the child of age seven before sleeping with tears running down his face.

**Tsuna's POV**

I woke up from the 'nap' not noticing eyes on me.

"Tsuna, you ok?" A voice asked making me notice their presence. I turned to the owner of the voice and saw Gio-nii.

"Yeah, why?" I asked softly.

"You're crying." Came Alau-nii's short answer. I felt my face to touch something wet I traces where it came from to find it came from my eyes. I quickly wiped it away and gave them a reassuring smile.

"What happened?" Asa-nii asked sitting beside me on my bed.

"Memories." Was the only thing I could reply.

Asa-nii hugged me and something in me broke and I started crying my heart out like a little kid who tripped and felt pain for the first time.


Done: 9-5-16 @ 5:00am

Published: 10-28-16 @ 11:20pm

Not edited.

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