3: The Candidate for Vongola Boss and Tsuna's Suffering

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I went to my room and locked it again. I looked around my room to only see Dae-nii, Gio-nii, and Lampo-nii.

"Where are the others?" I asked going to my desk to see if there are any quests from other Mafia Famiglia.

"Stalking their Descendants." Was Dae-nii's response.

"Hn." I said ending the conversation.

I opened a browser and went to a certain site where my account was already logged in.

I looked at me request box to find none at the moment which I find strange because there are always many requests be it steal, kill, alliance, or marriage proposals.

Then a memory came in when they mafia world identified me as a male many Marriage proposals came flooding my requests box. After shivering from the memory a message box popped out.


???: Yo, Sora!

Sora14_27: What can I do for you, Dino-san?

Dino: About the Candidate for Vongola Decimo. Personal information that wasn't written on his file.

Sora14_27: How much?

Dino: $100,000.

Sora14_27: Deal. Sawada Ietsuna. 14 years old. Had an Identical Twin older brother, Sawada Tsunayoshi. Only was to distinguish the two is Ietsuna had a obviously darker shade of brown hair and Tsunayoshi has a mole in his right eye brow if you look close enough. Good grades, Athletic, and school Idol. Lives in Namimori, Japan. School is Namimori Middle School. That is on the official files. Next is if he is frustrated, or pissed he relieves stress on Tsunayoshi by using him as a Punching Bag. He likes to be on top and the center of all attention. That's all. Sent the pay to my account.

Dino: He is that kind of a kid? What about Tsunayoshi? Can you give me information about him?

Sora14_27: Yes he is that kind of a kid and No can do Dino-san. There is barely anything note worthy about the kid to worth looking into. And by the way had you any luck finding out my location? Last time you said I was in France. I just replied "..." and you immediately flew there looking for me.

Dino: Fuu~ your no fun. You should have at least looked into why the younger is like that to his older brother and for the Question I'll take it that you're in japan seeing how you always call me 'Dino-san'.

Sora14_27: Well good luck in finding me.

Sora14_27 has logged out.

~Chat End~

I stretched and looked at the time to see it was almost dinner time. I closed the browser after deleting the history and took some change of clothes. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. While I was in there I felt Okaa-san's presence by the door and waited for her to speak.

"Tsu-kun? Are you in there?" She asked through the door.

'Again with the 'Tsu-kun' where did she get that?' I mentally asked my self before speaking out loud. "Yeah, Why?"

"Oh... Um, Dinner will be ready soon so after taking a bath lets all eat together." She replied not letting me respond and left the front of the bathroom.

Dinner with them? It's been a while since she last asked me to eat with them. Wait. The real question is when was the last time I ate?

After a few more minutes in the bathroom I quickly finished then went back to my room to ask Dae-nii to create Illusions in my room.

Alternate Universe: The Accepting Sky (KHR)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora