‘’thanks’’ she seemed a bit shy and awkward.

‘’and th’’ I didn’t finish my sentence. Shock was clear on my face.

‘’I’m not going to kill or hurt you, I’ve changed’’ he said. I shook my head and backed up. I ran into harry and he held me still.

‘’he’s not going to hurt you, trust me’’ he whispers. I wriggle out of his grip. ‘’you don’t know him’’ I shout.

‘’what’s wrong’’ Hails face fell when she saw who it was. She got in front of me. ‘’ go’’ she whispered. I quickly ran away. HOLLEY SHIT

The rules in the gang if you ever leave you must die, but first be put through torture. HOLLY CRAP, HOLLY CRAP. This gang didn’t take shit.

I hid where Russel was hiding when I first met him, in the big toy store.

‘’Erin’’ Harry called.

‘’get lost’’


‘’yes’’ I call back.

He grabs me out from behind all the stuffed toys. ‘’you should know you can find someone by their voice’’ I try and wriggle out of his grip but he wasn’t letting that happen. 

I poke my tong out at him and he kisses my cheek.

‘’I can’t go out there, I just can’t’’ I shake my head at him.

‘’yes you can’’ he encourages.

‘’you don’t know him’’

‘’yes I don’t but I do know that he’s changed and he’s not interested in hurting anybody, he’s got that jade girl and it’s obvious she’s changed him’’ he puts me on his lap and holds me.

‘’ugh fine’’ the second he puts me down I’m running.

‘’good’’ he chirps. He carries me out, swinging me everywhere.

‘’you okay’’ Hailey asks me as soon as we enter. I nod my head at her. He put me down and stopped me from running.

‘’not so soon love’’ he held me in my spot.

‘’I’m not going to do anything’’ he says.

‘’get bent bitch’’ he backs away a little. Wait WTF. He just backed away; I was getting ready to fight.

‘’I’ve changed’’ he states. Fucking obviously.

‘’okay let’s eat’’ Mal says. We all take a seat, I sit in between jade and Harry.

‘’do you know Jake’’ jade asked.

‘’eah, why’’

‘’what did he do’’ I looked up from my food and into her eyes.

‘’he hasn’t told you’’ I whisper and she nods.

‘’I don’t want her to know’’ Jake say’s pleading with his eyes.

‘’I didn’t want to but here it goes, well first of all he’’ he put a hand over my mouth and dragged me away.

‘’please don’t tell her, please’’

‘’oh well isn’t this different, you’re on your knees begging me please’’ I cross my arms and pop a hip out.


How to survive the zombie apocalypse  (1D) {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now