The conversation - Clove

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*five months later*

I've been friends with Cato for five months now. Everyday it's gets better and better. He trusts me with his secrets and in turn I trust him with mine. We do everything together. After school we talk for hours. Just thinking about it makes me smile. My thoughts are interrupted by my mum.
"Honey get up for school"
"Coming mum" I call
It's now summer so I throw on a purple short sleeved top, denim shorts and runners and through my backpack over my shoulder. I run down stairs.
"Hey mum, hey dad" I call
"Hi honey have a nice day" mum calls
"You to mum an dad" I call back
"Love you honey" dad calls
I grab a piece of toast and walk out side. I'm meant to walk to school with Cato like every day.
"Hey wait up" I yell
"Nope" Cato yells and starts running away from me
"No way" I yell and start running after him. He stops and lets me catch up.
"Hey" I say
"Hi" Cato says between breaths
We start walking into town and towards school.
"Ready for maths" Cato asks
I roll my eyes "is anyone?"
He laughs.
"Did you do your homework?" I ask
"Yeah" he answers "You"
"Absolutely" I answer
We get closer to school. We talk some more.
"Hey see that boy" Cato asks
"No which one?" I ask
"That one" he says and gestures to a boy sitting on a bench outside the school.
"Yeah what about him" I ask
"He was looking at you" Cato whispers
"Shut up" I say as I push him
"Would you like me to punch him" he asks
"You would do no such thing" I say
He regains his feet and pushes me hard.
"Don't push it" I warn him

The bell goes and we walk inside. We all sit on the tables talking until Miss Lilly comes in. And just like that the school day comes and goes.

I walk back home with Cato
"He's looking at you" he whispers in my ear
"Shut it" I say
"what shall we do? He asks me
"I gotta go home and do home work I'll text you when I can" I say
"K see you" he says
"Wait before you go I want a photo" he says
"Fine" I say and smile
"Thanks Clove" he says
"see you tomorrow" I yell
"You to" he yells back

I walk inside and get a shock. The principal Mrs Evens is sitting with my parents on the couch.
"Clove honey. We're just talking to Mrs Evens go start your homework" mum says
"Yeah ok mum" I say
I start to walk away but I walk back to the door my head against the door frame carful not to be seen.
"We need to talk about Clove" Mrs Evens says
"Why" my dad asks
"She needs to go into the 74th Hunger Games" Mrs Evens says
"Oh no" my dad says
My mother brakes down and cries.
"Shhh honey it's going to be ok" my dad soothes her
"So can you tell us more" my dad says
"Of course. Clove will still go to school but she will live in the training academy. Over the far end of the district, she will have to move schools two" Mrs evens says
"Ok. When will she leave?" My mother asks
"Two weeks" Mrs Evens says
I take this all in. I'm going into the hunger games. I'm going to die. I won't see Cato again. I start to cry. I run up to my bedroom. I get there and open my computer first thing I do is text Cato: i have to talk to you tomorrow it's really important.

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