New friends - Cato

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The square is amazing. We walk for hours, looking at the shops and just talking. In the end we sit my the district fence, talking and laughing getting to know each other.
"Favourite colour" I ask
"Umm dark purple and black" Clove answers
"You" she asks
"Red" I say instantly
"Crushes" I ask
"None. I've only been here for 2 days" she says
"I don't have to ask you" clove says
"And why is that" I ask
"Because I know you love me" she teases
"I do not" I say but I blush
"Oh yeah what was that blush for then?'' She counters
When I don't come up with a comeback we both start laughing hysterically.
"How about we make daisy chains?" Clove suggests
"I don't know how" I confess
"Then I'll teach you" she says
We go and gather some daisies and sit down again. Clove shows me how to split the stem of the daisy. When I can't do it I give up.
"Clove I fail at making daisy chains" I say
"Oh stop whining. I'll help you" She say
I feel her arms from behind as she swiftly slits the stem of the daisy in two.
"There. All better now" she asks
"Yeah" I answer
Time passes. We talk, we laugh.
"Here" I say and I place my daisy chain on her head
"Why thank you" She answers
"Now you're the queen of the meadow" I say
"Would you like to be my king?" She asks
"Absolutely" I answer she places her daisy chain on my head and we dance like we did in the classroom.we dance for 15 minutes. The we watch the sunset, I lay down on my back and Clove lays her head on my chest, watching it turn from pink to orange to purple. We get up and start to walk home. We split up when we reach the school.
"Bye see you tomorrow" clove yells as we part
"You to" I yell back

I walk in the house. I don't get hi honey how was hour day? Or anything like that. I walk upstairs and start my homework, it's a long and tiring just like homework is. But I finish it. It's only 7:00 so I have lots of time to spare. I play video games and chat to my friends on my computer. But I can't stop thinking about clove and our time we spent together today.

I get bored so I look up clove's name in the address book. I take a deep breath and dial the number. It rings once, twice, three times then someone answers it.
"Hello" the voice says
"Um hi. I would like to speak to Clove Sevina please" I say
"Oh absolutely I'm her mother I'll go and get her" Her mum says
After a few minutes I here a voice at the other end again.
"Hi" the voice says unsure
"Hello" I say
"Cato! Hi" she almost screams I can tell she lights up when she releases its me.
"Hi, so you were pretty excited to hear from me" I ask
"Um yeah I don't have many friends now" she says sadly. Oh great I made her upset.
"Give it time" I say
"Thanks. So why did you call?" She asks
"I was bored" I admit
"Oh is that the only reason you call your friends" she teases
"Yeah pretty much" I joke

Cato and Clove - Our storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant