The reaping - Clove

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I wake up, the bed is cold despite my body heat. The dorm room is the way it always has been, dark and with a window behind my bed. The dresser is the same as always, a hair ribbon her and a bobby pin there. I feel every muscle in my body tense as I remember what day it is. The reaping day. The sun is just rising. The pinks and oranges mix together. It's beautiful, but I've learnt not to trust beautiful things.

I look at the two girls sleeping in to room with me. I leave them today. I leave a lot of people today. I turn away. I get out of my bed and slowly make my way down to were the boys sleep. It's dark in that hallway. The floorboards creak from years of use. I move in silent sock feet across the hard wood floors. I get to the door. Like me Cato is the only one up. Cato sits cross legged on his bed looking out the window at the nut. It's a large hill in district two. It houses most of the military things we make for the Capital. This has been our home for the last eight years. He will always understand. Always know what I dread. We both share the same fate.
"Cato" I whisper, it's hardly audible but I'm sure he heard it. His head whips back alarmed. I can't blame him though. The whole day we will be tense with anticipation. His face relaxes when he sees me standing there.
"Clove" Cato answers "Couldn't sleep?"
I just shake my head and walk to the bed trying not to wake everyone else. We would be in trouble if they caught us but they can't do much now. I sit on his bed making an indent in it. He wraps his arm around me like he did so many times so many years ago when I was scared. For me, for him for our future.
"I don't to leave district Two" I say. I feel my noes tingle and my eyes feel hot. I'm not one to cry and I cat start now.
"Me neither" Cato says, his voice sounds like it's going to break. That makes me want to cry more.
"It'll only be for a little while" he says, we won't be coming back.
"Why" I ask, this question isn't needed but it feels right to ask.
"Because your sure to come back" He says. A chill runs through me. Sure I want to come back, not without Cato here. I wouldn't survive long without him, which is ironic seeing it's the reaping today.
"I don't want to come back if it means you won't be here" I've said it for years but now it matters more.
"I know" He sighs and pulls me closer. My cheek leans on his shoulder and I imagine his heartbeat. The blanket over our knees as we watch the sun rise more and more. Both of us dreading eleven. When we meet in the square with everyone else. Even if our names aren't pulled from that bowl we have to volunteer. Our fate is sealed. It was years ago. A bloody, gory fate.

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