"What's wrong with this one?" I asked and she walked over to me.

"Don't get my wrong! I love that top! I picked that one out for you! BUT it doesn't scream bonfire....so come on! We're going through your entire closet!!" She pulled me into my closet and started searching through boxes and hangers and drawers.

"Oh joy."


We finally settled on an outfit, I had on a black skirt with cut out flower on the hem of the skirt, and a floral crop top on with a zipper down the middle. I honestly hate these shirts but Amber wouldn't let me leave my room until I wore it. She threw me a cardigan and I put it on feeling much better since I'm covered more. I braided my hair into a messy original braid and let my short somewhat of side bangs hang loose. I grabbed my favorite pair of black chucks and just cleaned up any mascara that was a smeared under my eyes. And finally sprayed my favorite body mist all over me.
"Lemon Pomegranate Cream" from Bath and Body works. Ugh it smells soooo good!

Amber finally gets ready and we both check ourselves in the mirror one last time. We smile and make a "tssss" sound like we're on fire. We grab our bags and go down the stairs. It's 7:25 and we don't want to be the first ones there so we decided to leave a little later. It's about 15 minutes away so we should be fine.

I quickly run over to Andy on the couch and give him a quick kiss, but he pulls me back for more. He kisses me and asks me for more, I was about to accept when I heard Amber gagging and I pulled back, kissed him one last time and stood up.

"Aren't you gonna be kinda cold in that?" He asked questioning my outfit.

"Don't worry! It's not gonna be that cold tonight. Plus she looks hot." Amber says tapping her foot impatiently.

"That's what I'm worried about." He mumbles and I give him another peck.

"I'll be fine!" I say and walk over to amber.

"We'll be back later tonight!" I yell while walking towards the door.

"Not too late! I want you back by 11 at the latest!! You have school tomorrow and I'm not letting you skip. Even if you are having a hang over...AMBER!" He yells back and I giggle and look over at amber.

"Yeah yeah whatever! Love you bye!" She yells back and shuts and locks the door. "He's such an ass sometimes." I laugh and we walk to her car.

"So is this an actual bonfire, or party and that's why you made me dress this way..." I ask her looking down at my outfit. Knowing amber this is probably a party but she couldn't tell her brother about it being a party. He would have flipped.

"You caught me. Now take off that stupid cardigan." I was about to argue but I knew I wouldn't win so I did as I was told.

"Who's house?" I asked.

"Claire's, I didn't lie about that part, but her parents are gone and they allowed her to throw a party. Or that's at least what she said." We drove down the street and about 2 houses away we heard the music. At least it isn't that loud...

We park in the side of the street and walk across the road onto the lawn, seeing a few stragglers walk around, obviously drunk and I immediately regret coming. I'm not a big party person but usually once I go in and find people I'm into it.

We walk inside and I see Izzie and Liz and a couple other people I know. I walk over with amber and we all hug and say hi to everyone. We start to talk about our schedules and how stupid the old cranky teachers are. I look around and see people everywhere, there are people making out, others going and coming upstairs and others were in the kitchen and backyard.

My best friends brotherKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat