Kina in her cat form and Kuro slept on the other side of the bed beside Ayana's form. They were both shuffling around and slowly awoken. They both groggily looked around, until their big eyes landed on me. I gave them a soft smile.

"Hey Rin." Kina's voice echoed.

"Hey," I replied, "have you two been here all day?"

"Yeah. Nothing really happened though." Kuro now muttered. Then I said,

"You two must be hungry... I have some food in the fridge if you want?"

Their moods seemed to brighten at the sound of food. Kina's voice then echoed,

"Thanks Rin" at that, they hopped off the bed and scurried towards the kitchen.

I knew Kina was just as worried as I was. She practically admitted it the night I woke up after the mission. She's been glued to Ayana's side ever since then as well. The only time she would leave her, was when she needed to eat and stuff like that. I wouldn't blame her though. I was basically doing the same thing.

My gaze went back to Ayana's face. My grip on her hand was still there. So I then lifted her hand as I shifted myself closer to her, so I could rest her hand over my lap. Both my hands held that hand. That soft cold hand that was gradually warming up to my touch.

I sat in that silence for a while. Listening to her breathing. Then I finally looked at Ayana's face again.

I brought my hand to her face to move a strand of misplaced hair.

"Hey Ayana." I whispered as my hand hovered over her black hair for a moment before coming back to my lap, "I really don't know if you can hear me. But I really hope you can. Or I'd just be talking to myself." I chuckled and continued, "y'know everyone's really worried about you. They still keep asking if you woke up yet, like I'm not going to tell them when you do. I'm pretty sure even Takara's concerned! I don't really have much proof for that though."

Ayana remained still. Like she's always been. Sleeping soundly. It then came back to me again.

I missed her.

I missed her so much.

"And you know, Ayana..." I started, "There still hasn't been enough time when we've been able to just... Hang out... So much happened these past few weeks... Months... Yet I still want more time... With you... I don't want things to end now... We just came together. After seven whole years. I wanted to make up those seven years." I looked at Ayana as if she just might reply to me. But of course she didn't. I sighed,"please Ayana..." I lifted her hand to my face as I pressed my forehead against her knuckles and nuzzled against it, "please wake up..."


Another week has passed. It's been a month...

Ayana seemed to be getting better. Her skin wasn't as pale as it was at first. Her burns were practically gone. But the only thing that got me down was that there was no sign of her waking up. And... She had a scar...

This one spot. A spot that should normally just heal over; but it didn't. On the left side of her neck, there was a scar that went horizontal at the side of her neck. Kina kept telling me it wasn't my fault. But I still couldn't help but think that. She's been out cold for a whole month. What am I supposed to think?

"Rin, you're being stupid." Kina would say, "would Ayana want you to think like this?"



She still blamed herself too though. I could tell. She would try to hide it. But really anyone could tell how she was feeling.

I had no clue what to do. I was aimless. I didn't even feel like I existed. My time in school was mostly spent staring blankly out the window. Wandering around the school grounds as well when I wasn't in class. And checking up on Ayana to see if there was even hope of her waking up...

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