"It's nearly winter, Ciel. I understand why you would say that though, considering you are a male and you have a-" Zala was abruptly cut off by Ciel leaping forward and covering her mouth with his hand. He looked at Violet, who seemed confused, and smiled. "I think she means that because I'm a young boy, I think very differently and that women should show some skin just so I would be able to see their body."

Violet furrowed her eyebrows together, still confused. "Okay.... Can we just go get some lunch after I find some outfits to wear? You people are weirding me out and I would like to get some clothes before going. You can all go ahead." She then walked away to get some nice clothes. She then realized that the dress she bought nearly a week ago for the pageant was probably outgrown and too short for her now. The sudden realization made her kinda sad since she really liked that dress. 'Maybe I can wear some pants that'll go with it...' Violet thought, sighing mentally.

Cuel watched her go and glared at Zala, moving his hand away from her mouth when he was sure Violet was out of earshot. "What was that for!" He snapped, a bit irritated.

Zala raised an eyebrow. "Do what for?"

"You were going to tell her I have a crush on her! You know she doesn't like me as more than a best friend!"

"How do you know that?" Zala snickered.

"You calls me an 'awesome' friend. Whatever 'awesome' means."

Zala started laughing now. "Wow. You are stuck in what is called a 'friendzone' those crazy kids are talking about nowadays. Now come on. Let's go find a cafe." She said as she started walking and looking around, in search for a nice cafe.

Ciel pouted and huffed. He looked down to see that River had placed a hand on his arm in a comforting manner.

"Don't worry. I'm sure one day she'll like you in that way. Like they all say; 'it takes time and wait patiently. It'll be worth it in the end'." River murmured before started following Zala.

"She has a point." Gildar grumbled as he passed by him.

Ciel watched him go by. "Why are you always so quiet?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't like people nor talking to anybody."

"That explains a lot..." Ciel muttered before he began following them.

Violet enter the cafe that she figured that her friends, or group members, would in. Just as she predicted, they were sitting at a table in the corner, talking and cracking jokes. By what she is seeing though, Zala did not get any of them like usual. Violet smiled as she walked over, wearing one of her new outfits that fit her perfectly; a dark green, long sleeved knit shirt, long dark brown pants like before, and her same light tan leather boots, which still fitted perfectly fine.

She went over to them, after getting a BLT sandwich and a bottle of water, and sat in one of the empty chairs at the table. "I am back with new outfits. I think I finally finished growing, so I should be fine till I'm sixteen and have a growth spurt."

Zala looked at her and smiled a bit. "Glad the shopping went well. And from what I have seen, elves don't really get growth spurts. Once a female elf hits puberty, which you are in now, they become their full height. So, you are at your full potential."

Violet huffed and slouched a bit. "Good. I think I'm like... Nearly your hieght. And that's saying something."

"Mhm." Zala nodded, "I am five feet and ten inches tall. You seem to be an inch shorter than me now since back when I first met you, you were eight inches shorter."

"Sheesh, I was short!" Violet exclaimed, eyes wide.

River laughed, "Hey, at least you were adorably short! Like I am!" She chirped happily.

"She has a point there." Ciel mumbled, grinning as he started thinking about how short she was then.

Violet sighed and smiled at them. "I guess. Either way, I'm still adorable in my own way." She said.

Zala chuckled and got up. "Well, if you're done, how about we go and start heading off to the castle? I like to get there by the end of the day or at least close to it."

Violet got up, wrapping up half-eaten sandwich putting it in her bag, along with her water bottle. "I can finish my sandwich on the way or for dinner."

Zala nodded at her. "Alright. Follow me then." She said as she started heading out, not waiting for them to get their things.

"In a hurry much?" Ciel said, frowning and looking at Violet.

She shrugged, "Maybe because we're almost there, she doesn't want to waste time?" She guessed.

"Maybe.... But that's not an excuse to leave us behind when we have to get our things." Ciel huffed, pouting.

"I agree, Mr. Pouty Face." Violet teased and giggled as she walked out the cafe and following River since the said nymph was in front of her.

Ciel pouted more. "Meany face."

"Wow. Such strong language!" Violet joked, punching his arm lightly and playfully.

"I know, I'm such a bad, bad boy. Shame on me for doing such horrible things." Ciel laughed.

Violet laughed as well before she looked in front of her and paying attention to where she was going. She couldn't wait to get to the castle. She was excited what it would look like; maybe white and crystal-like since the kingdom was called Majestic. It'll be Majestic like a beautiful white horse... She snickered inwardly at her little pun, thinking it was kinda funny.

She was snapped out of her thoughts and daydreams when she found that they were out of the village and into the forest. Violet gaped at all the pretty birds and fairies that were flying along the treetops. "Wow..." She whispered. She then recognized one of the bird species as the ones she saw when she first entered this universe. "What are those?" She asked, pointing to the metallic, fiery birds.

Ciel looked down at her before looking up to where she was pointing. "I forgot.... Hey River. You studied stuff like this. What are those?"

River looked at the said birds. "Oh, those. Those are pretty birds... Ibong Adarna or Adarna for short. The color, pearl, bronze, diamond, emerald, et cetera, of their feathers change between each of the seven song it knows. It's songs are believed to lull people into sleep and cure any type of affiliations. So overall, those are nice birds to have around when you have a incurable disease or cancer."

"Cool... I wonder if medics have these birds around for curing people."

"Not really. These birds are made to live in the forest and be free. You could train them to help probably, but it's not likely." River said, frowning.

"Oh. That's kinda sad..." Violet murmured as she watched them play with the little pixies.

By the end of the day, they ended up camping out. The castle was a good twelve hours away from them and they would most likely pass out halfway there from exhaustion. Even Zala figured that since she was starting get a bit tired from walking all day, no matter how much she wanted to get there as quickly as she could. Once camp was set up and they were at their sleeping bag, they all went to sleep, Gildar staying up to guard the campsite since he wasn't all that tired.

Crossing Universes (NaNoWriMo13)Where stories live. Discover now