Stay... - 7

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Frisk lay on the couch with a blanket covering her up. Everyone came to the house to check on Frisk.

Papyrus and Undyne were in the kitchen making pasta, Alphys was watching them, Mettaton was sneaking into the kitchen every now and then and trying to put glitter into the sauce, Toriel was sitting next to Frisk, Asgore and Asriel were arguing about what show Frisk wanted to watch, and Flowey(Yes, Flowey is in the story even though Asriel is, i just had to add him) Was trying to escape, since Toriel brought him.

Sans sat on the couch were Frisk wasn't laying. Frisk was asleep, but Toriel still held her hand.

"STIR HARDER!" Undyne screamed from the kitchen. "I'M TRYING!" Papyrus replied. "stop yelling!" Alphys tried NOT to scream. Mettaton snuck around Alphys while she was covering her ears. He ran up to the pot and poured glitter in, and


The kitchen was now covered in glitter. 

"That was so worth it." Mettaton laughed as he cleaned up the glitter.

Alphys sighed. She was put on Mettaton duty to make sure he didn't try to escape.

Asgore and Asriel finally found a move to watch, and Papyrus and Undyne just decided to go buy some pizza.

Toriel woke Frisk up as Asriel clicked the movie. "nows my chance!" Flowey hopped away from Toriel. Right as he reached the door, Undyne and Papyrus walked in, and shut the door, making Flowey fall over.

"help." He said trying to get up. Asriel walked over and picked him up and carried him over to the couch.

Frisk sat up and Asgore grabbed the remote. Sans sat next to Frisk and wrapped his arm around her. "You okay kiddo?" He asked her. She shivered and rubbed her arms.

"Y-yeah, just cold." She said. He picked up an extra blanket off of Temmie, who was walking around saying "hOI! I tEm, teH bNAlkEt sUPeRheRo!" He wrapped it around Frisk. She smiled. "Thanks." She said, snuggling up next to him. "No problem."

"I just don't want you to get bonely" He said shrugging. Frisk smiled at him.

Asgore and Asriel found a movie on UnderFlix, called "CyberBully". (I love that movie)

Frisk yawned trying to keep herself from falling asleep. Temmie hopped up on the couch next to Frisk and layed on her lap.

Frisk stroked Temmie's hair as Temmie purred(idk =P) and slowly fell asleep. Frisk slowly fell asleep herself.

Sans pulled her closer.

He wanted this moment to last forever.

Which unfortunately,

it would not.

(Sorry for the short chapter guys.)

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