Just let me go - 6

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(This part of the story has suicidal thoughts, so, if you don't like that stuff skip to the bottom and i'll do a quick run-through.)

Sans turned around. "Hey, Frisk, you coming?" Frisk looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I can't. She's still here." She said trying to hold back tears. Sans walked closer. "Who? Frisk, what is it?" He asked concerned.

Frisk looked at him. "If i let her live she'll try to kill you all again." Frisk said, more tears pouring down her face. "And i can only stop her one way."

Frisk turned to the water. It looked very cold and deep.

"Frisk, what is going on? Who's 'she'?" Frisk turned back to Sans.

"chara...." She said. She turned to the water. "Sans, if you love me," She could feel hot tears rolling down her cheeks. That would probably be the last time she felt warmth.

"you'd let me go." She said, then jumped in. She sunk to the bottom. She held her breath, the water tugging at her, pulling her down. She could feel the air getting tighter and tighter. 'this all for them- for sans. if i have to die for them, i will.' she told herself as air left her lungs.

And finally, she lost all breath.

Water filled her lungs, and she passed out.

Sans stared, with huge eyes at the lake.

"SANS, WHERES THE HUMAN?" Papyrus asked turning around. Sans took off his jacket and dived in without answering Papyrus' question.

(Don't question this next part, okay? I don't know how Sans has lungs xD)

Sans took a huge breath and swam down, searching the area for Frisk.

He saw a limp body down in the water. He swam towards it.

He recognized it. It was Frisk. He picked up her body and swam up. It was hard since the current was strong, but Sans fought it.

Just as he lost breath, he reached the surface. "Sans over here!" Papyrus yelled, on his knees his arms stretched out to grab Frisk.

Sans swam over and put Frisk into Papyrus' arms. He got on land and stared at her. Her body was limp, her skin was very pale. He wanted to cry. Was it too late? Did she die already? Was Chara actually still inside her body?

Sans felt rage, sadness and confusion all bubble inside his mind. He wanted to cry, scream and crawl into a hole and die, all at the same time.

He put his ear(do skeletons have ears?) up to Frisk's chest. Her heart was beating very fast, which meant there was still time.

He started the mouth-to-mouth process(Idk how to explain that process tbh xD)

Soon, she started coughing up water. Sans wanted to cry. She was alive.

Her eyes opened slightly. "S-sans?" She asked. Sans nodded. "W-why did you save me?" She asked him.

"Frisk-" He said. He wanted to lie and say 'because you're my friend.' but he had to tell her the truth. "Because i love you." He told her.

Frisk looked surprised and sleepy at the same time, which Sans thought was cute.

"Sans," She looked like she was crying but Sans couldn't tell since she was wet. "I love you too." She said. Sans blushed. Papyrus' mouth was wide open, but he was smiling.

He helped Frisk up. She was still coughing. "Sans, you didn't have to save me." She said. She pulled out something from the inside of her sleeve.

It was a reset button. "I could just- reset." She told him. Sans was worried. Would she? Would they ever fall in love again? Would he even remember this life?

"No." He said pushing it away. "You keep it. In case something happens." He told her. Frisk shook her head. "No, you need too." She said, giving it to him.

Sans' eyes got wide. "M-me?" He asked. "Yes, you just push it." She said. "You'll need it." She told him. Did this mean Frisk would try to kill herself again?

Sans hoped not. "Like i said," Frisk told him. "If you love me, you'd just let me go." She said, tears drifting down from her face.

She was regaining colors. Sans pulled her into a hug. "No, Frisk, i won't let you." He said, feeling tears rush down. Frisk whispered into his ear. "If you love, let me go..."

(Quick A/N before run-through, this chapter was based off of this song, "This is Gospel".)

Run-through: Frisk tells Sans chara is still inside of her, so she jumps into the water trying to kill herself. Sans goes after her, and saves her. He tells Frisk that he loves her, and he doesn't want her to leave him. She tells him she loves him too. Papyrus starts to fanboy. Frisk gives Sans the reset button and tells him "If you love me, you'd just let me go."

The good ol' days... ~ Sans x FriskWhere stories live. Discover now