"You know him from the past?" I asked turning back to her.

"Of course. I was locked away in a cell as his procedure was taking place. After 'Weapon X' was created, he fled the facility. Understanding he was too powerful for them to control, they came to me. That's when they extracted my DNA to create sentinels to destroy him along with the rest of us. Afterwards they left me there to rot with no further use for me until I escaped on my own." She unchained him from the tree. "Go back and return to me the mutant with super speed. I know you know who i'm talking about. He is the last piece to this puzzle."

Scott P.O.V.

I returned back to the school trying to find David. If i were to go back in time, I could remember my past, maybe even fix it. I could stop the death of the professor and the birth of the Phoenix along with all of it's destruction.

I walked inside and saw David watching television. "Finally, where have you been man?" He asked me crushing an empty soda can.

"No time for that, I need your help with something, come with me." He agreed to come and zoomed us back to the mutant.

"Why are we here?" He asked as we arrived.

The blue mutant stepped towards us and said "to change both the past and future, before this one is destroyed." David squinted his eyes and looked unsure. "With your power to move so rapidly that time is slowed," she looked at David. "And your ability to distort space itself," she turned to Alix. "You can rip a hole in the space-time continuum." She explained. "Now, going back over a decade into the past is a highly dangerous process as the mind can only stretch so far before it's ripped apart." She faced me. "That is where you come in, healing yourself as you stretch your consciousness through the years of time."

"And what if this doesn't work?" Alix asked.

"There is a chance he can be killed anyway despite his instant regeneration, there is also a chance that the disturbance in the continuum can form a black hole and swallow the planet entirely."

She turned back to me reading my intentions. "You want to recollect your past, don't you?" She urged me.

"How do we even do this?" David asked after a moment.

"You will run in a circular motion around Wolverine at the speed of light while The Phoenix's telekinetic power intensifies into space distortion. The two overexerted forces will eventually collide and tear open the hole. Wolverine will have seconds to enter before you two must end the process to prevent the small tear from becoming a threatening black hole."

"Are you ready?" David asked.

"Be warned, once they bring you to the past, you can't be brought back." The blue woman stated.

I gazed into Alix's eyes one more time before they shifted to the darkness of the Phoenix. "I'll find you." I turned back to David. "I'm ready." He nodded and began running in a circle of constant speed. Whiplash ran around me becoming nothing but a blur. I could see Alix slowly taking the form of the Phoenix. The trees were being pulled to him in some kind of magnetic force.

"Good luck, Wolverine." The Phoenix said in a sincere tone. "Save our kind." He raised his arms and flew up along with the trees being ripped from their roots. The light radiating from Alix's body blinded me. I fell to my knees blurring in and out of consciousness. A distorted patch of energy appeared around me. The scenery faded away and turned into the walls of an unfamiliar room. I got up from the bed with a massive headache and noticed someone in the room with me. "Who are you?" I asked with my hand up to my head.

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