Chapter 11

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I woke up and looked around. I was alone in the back of a moving truck. It was dark I couldn't see much. I tried to telekinetically bust open the walls but my power wasn't working inside the vehicle.

We came to a stop and the door to the back of the truck opened. I squinted my eyes from the bright sunlight. "Out." Ordered one of the three troops with a fancy gun. I walked off of the truck and they placed me in handcuffs. The troops walked on either side of me and one behind me with his gun pointing to my back. This is the kind of time when the Phoenix would actually help me. But even if I were to kill them and run off, I had no idea where I was, or where Scott was.

They led me into a building that required identification to open the steel door. As we walked down the hall there were mutants in prison cells. It seemed that their powers couldn't get through the bars. A woman was held by straps in the center of the cell as she bounced around it quickly. Another boy manifested himself into a tornado and consistently flew around trying to break the bars. We kept walking down the hall and a man with a long frog-like tongue licked my arm through the cage as we walked past. I saw an empty slot.

"Where is Scott?" I asked them. No response. "Where is he?" I yelled out agitated. The guard behind me shocked me with a taser.

"This will be your cell." They said as they shoved me in.

"No." I said weakly as I tried to push them away. It felt like when my mother tried to push me into the closet. When I was all the way in they locked the door. "Where are you going!?" I screamed as they continued down the hall. "You cant just leave me in here!"

"Yes..." I heard a calm, soothing woman's voice in the cell beside me. "They can."

I looked at her. "Why? What gives them this right?"

"We are different." She looked around at the other caged mutants. "And nobody is here to stop them."

"What is the point of all of this?" I asked her.

"Experiments." She answered. "Turning us into weapons, infusing our DNA into other mutants to create more powerful ones, things of that nature." She said it as if she was used to the procedure. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

I heard Scott's voice. "LET ME GO!" His scream came out as more of a roar. I tried to see through the bars to see what was going on down the hall but i couldn't.

"Is that your friend?" The woman asked me.

"YEs." I said nervously unknowing of what they were doing to him. I heard the sound of his claws extending along with a variety of screams.

"Weapon X is loose, I repeat Weapon X is loose." was heard over the alarm throughout the entire building. I saw Scott run down the hall. He was shirtless and had high-tech machinery hooked into his body.

"Scott!" I yelled out. He noticed me and turned around.

"Alix?" He asked surprised to see me in here. "Hold on, watch out." He said as he slashed his blades through the steel bars. They fell apart and i walked out. "Come on let's get out of here." He said.

I looked back at the woman I was just speaking with. "Wait." I told Scott. "We need to get them out of here."

He looked around and walked back up to the first two cages. The alarm was still blaring for "Weapon X's" escape. He held his claws against the bars and ran all the way down the hall, slashing apart bars of each cage quickly and effortlessly. The mutants pushed the rest of their way out and were released.

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