A forgotten Kiss

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"C'mon, Jerome! We'll be late for school! It's our first day of high school, we've got a chance to make new friends, LET'S GO!" I snore in response. I hate school

"Okay... Oops. My mistake. It's Saturday. Perfect chance to get in some Minecraft, right?" she said and i shot up wide awake

"what" i said and she laughed

"got you buddy. We'd better get going, or Grandma's not going to make brownies for us after school." She walks out, humming something vaguely familiar. I get out of bed, get dressed, and head downstairs to where Saph and her grandparents are making breakfast in sync. Saph mixes something, Ralph is frying what smells like scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese, and Samantha is putting brownies in the oven. As soon as I walk into the kitchen, Saph slips on something.

"ACK!" The bowl flies from her hands and lands perfectly on the counter. How does she do this sort of thing all the time, like backflipping off a swing, or landing on her feet? She stands up, then slowly walks over to the counter and picks the bowl up. Samantha keeps telling her something, and she keeps mixing and adding things. She holds up a bottle of vanilla extract.

"Is this the extract?"

"Did you go blind, Saph?" I call out. She turns her head to me, and I notice a blindfold. Dangit.

"Trial of the blind." She pours the batter into the pan, and her grandparents put it in the oven.

"You'd better get going if you don't want to be late." Ralph adds, and Saph pulls the blindfold off.

"Let's get going, pal. Too bad Mitch won't be here this year. Huh. One less person to keep out of trouble."

"Ha ha, Saph." I get myself ready as Ralph and Samantha set out plates. Saph and I sit down, and Ralph mutters something. Saph blushes.

"I don't have a boyfriend yet, Grandpa... Sheesh!"

"Does Jerome have a girlfriend yet?"

"No, I don't. Shut up, Ralph."

"Is that a challenge, kiddo?"

"Why would it be a challenge? You have a wife already-" He interrupts.

"I mean, are you going to make me shut up?"

"I just cleaned up from the LAST time you two brawled in my kitchen! If you're going to fight, take it outside with baseball bats and hockey sticks."

"Uh... Ralph could die."

"OUT OF MY KITCHEN UNTIL BREAKFAST IS READY! ALL THREE OF YOU KIDS!" I know better than to argue with Samantha, and so does Saph. Ralph, however, clearly does not.

"You know I'm not a kid, Samantha."


"Do not, honey-"


"I will accept that if she were here to slap me!"

"Shots fired... Let's get out of here before they break out flamethrowers." mutters Saph. I don't know who this "Silver" is, but they must be a good friend of both of them. WAIT A MINUTE. Flamethrowers? Where did they get those, and can I have one? I'd probably burn myself, but I wouldn't DIE. Saph drags me away to the den to play a game. She digs through a box, then pulls out Mortal Kombat. She knows the timing of her grandparents' fights so damn well. We play, and as Saph gets to "FINISH HIM", there's another blow, and the timer dings. We head back downstairs, and Ralph's got a bloody lip.

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