The animal inside of me

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The next months where horrible, i couldn't do anything on my own so i was pretty much a baby but worse considering i was a huge adult baby that weighted a ton wolevine could barely drag me and put me on the toliet when i had you use the washroom... it was awful for both of us especially when i couldn't talk to wolverine or even make a noise when i had to go in the 2 weeks ... it was embarrassing as hell.

After that first month it got better as i could talk normally and pull myself around with difficulty but it was better then shitting muself in the middle of the night. During this month i started doing workouts to gain strenght so i could walk and move around on my own and after a month and a half i could walk but with difficultly but hey it was better then not moving at all.

One day as i was strength training my legs with logan but suddenly his chains pulled him back against the wall i wobbled on my feet since my full weight was put on my legs making my muscles quiver.
" what the hell" logan said as he pulled against the chains. I was confused as well that is until i heared the thumping of footsteps coming towards our cell i rushed over to logan quickly.
" logsn you got to get out if here when they take me.. its your best chance out while tgey will all be distracted by me"
" but kid.."
" if you don't get out and tell someome where i am he will find a way to control me... please logan "
" alright.. i will try "
" if you can tell my friends where i am .. either sapphire clawe ..mitchell hughes or a-" just then the door of the cell opened and sabortooth came in then he grabbed my leg and dragged me out. Before i left i gave logan one last hopeful look and then i was gone down the halls being dragged by my feet.
Durring me getting draggeed i got flipped on my back to see deadpool looking down at me
" hey there big boy ready for the big day?" He said and i sighed
" honestly no but i don't really have a choice " i said back and he nodded
" at least your honest because man this is going to be very painful " he said
" thanks for the heads up " i said then we entered the experiment room where i gained my indestructible bones and we walked pass the tanks which look the same as it was when i first looked at it then we entered a new room which was almost the same but with different equipment i never really got a good look at rgem since i was roughly put into the chamber ( not like the one in the chapter before ) and harnessed in it with Adamantium clasps going over my arms and legs with a fair bit of wiggle room but not enough to escape not that i could anyway.
Stryker came up to me an smiled
" finally the day has come.. to see if my idea works and create the greatest monster on earth to do my bidding" he said and i glared
" like you can get me to do anything " i said and he chuckled
" we will see won't we " he said then injected something in his arm and then putting the injectors on my chest and arms then the chamber closed leaving me in the dark. After a minute the injectors injected the serum into my body. Not long after i hear the machines boot up and i feel something... something my body doesn't like enter the chamber giving the little light i had now have a green hue to it. This must be the gamma radiation that is doing this i thoughas it contuined to grow strong and began effecting my body. My skin felt like it was on fire and my muscles felt the same as if this ratation was burning me like a fire but it continued to get worse. My body felt like it was growing slowly and painfully one cell at a time. I felt like i was going to explode so i screamed at tge too of my lungs but i swear i wasn't the only one scream its sounded like someone or something was screaming with me...and it sure as help wasn't me... after a few more minutes it finally stopped all at once and my body shook violently and swear pooled on my skin and thete were spots in my vison. The doors opened and i shut my eyes as it was quite bright. I felt someone released my arms and legs and i fell over in my blind and pained state someone tried to catch me but i still fell on the ground regardless.
After a few minutes some came to shake me
" hey kid you alive?" Deadpool asked and i groaned in responce
" ok thay good you not dead, hey stryker he's alive !" He said and ran out of the room and then he ran back then he picked me up with difficultly and put me in a cart and pulled me along to my cell
" why... you..." i croked out
" oh well your pal logan got away so big bad sabertooth is trying ti track him down also i won't get sick from the gamma radation so your stuck with me for now" he said then he contunied to mubble on about other things which all blurred together as i passed out.

After an unknown amout of time later i hear banging on my cell door and i jump up in suprise and look tk see im in a differnt cell with stronger bars made of bronze... celestial bronze that sound as if there is a steady stream if electricty running though them.... wait a minute i can hear that? I walked up to touch it to see if i was correct but was pulled back by a chain around my neck which wasn't there before
" suprised aren't you? That you can hear the bars are charged with electricity" stryker said and a sudden anger started to build where the hell did this come from?
" what did you do to me? Why can i hear that..." i asked and hr smiled
" i did exactly what i told you wgat i would do try to make you something stronger then the hulk and.. it didn't seem to work in the right way...." he said then i looked down at myself and seen that now i was suddenly super buff maybe not an eight pack but still it was crazy.
" you also may be wondering why i choose this metal to make your cell out of... your only weakness... celestial bronze it was quite hard to find but thankfully you parents where so kind to help me get some " he said and i looked at him in suprise and anger build higher
" my parents?!"
" of course who else knows your weakness like they do .. not to mention your healing factor" he said and i grit my teeth as my anger grew even more how could they do this to me... to us... wait us? 
" maybe i should go after you little friend that saw us take you away... we could experiment on him and if he is no use to us... we will kill him " he said then i snapped a ran to thrash at him but was pulled back by the collar but i refused to stop i couldn't stop.. that is when the pain hit.
I stopped and kneeled to the ground as i feel my body leave my control abd something else took control... soon i feel abd see it begin to change. U feel the way my bones and musxles stretch and the new hair come out from my skin... i feel my nails grow and see them change into claws ..large metal claws and feel my teeth grow into fangs. I yelled in pain and my yelled changed into a roar as my body contuined to grow.. i squeezed my eyes shut till the pain ended when i opened then i was a little taller then Stryker on my hands and knees he looked at me in amazment so i looked down at myself to see my arms are now very muscle like the hulk with bear like claws and covered in fur i growled at him and roared " What did you do to me!!!" In rage but only a roar of anger ans he just laughed
" look  at you .. you all that u hoped for and more are a terrifing beast ... you are now that bacca " he said then he walked out laughing darkly so i tryed to run at him which broke the chain but the door was slamed in my face and as soon as it closed the gate electrified and i got an unpleasant shock and i moved away from the door. He contunied to laugh and i backed away from the bars to the wall and i laid by the wall whimpering horrified jf what i became but i felt a new presentce comfort me
' i am sorry about this but now i am out here to stay my friend ' it said and i knew that now i am no long me... we are one we are jerome and we are the bacca

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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