New Friends,New family

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Now being on the streets, its hard but i would take that over going back to new jersey with my parents. Sure i was hungry, cold and dirty but i wasn't in pain, so i was somewhat happy when i was in my ally but at school,  everyone was picking on me

" retard"

" embarrassment to the school  "

"dirty runt"

Those are some of they names they call me, looks like that rubber snake is useless now, i'm never going to get friend, i can't even find  someone with the last name Cl-Ah-EE, i think that's how its pronounced. I lost the paper, so I can't check, even if I wanted to. Someone walks up to the bullies, commenting on their outfits. One of them shoots back an orphan comment, and something about her parents dumping her on the doorstep of the orphanage. That's when I feel that I need to step in. Her situation could be similar to mine for all we know.

  "Stop it! You don't know what she might have been through! Maybe she HAD to leave her parents to come to this school, like I did!" She smiles, with a bit of... Wat? Wet?

(Saph: WIT!)

Whatever, in her smile. She replies with what I guess is somewhat touchy to talk about. Someone else comes up as the girls shoot back something really mean. He takes her hand, as a tear rolls down her cheeks, and she looks back, fire in her eyes. Not like my father's, but lighter. More like rightful anger, a need for actual justice, not hatred for no real reason. She turns around as my eyes widen. She must be a strong person, to stand up to the bullies like that. I should thank her and maybe apologize about there comment to he like something about her sister. So i walk up to her

"I'm sorry. I'm Jerome. What's your name?" i said to her

"I'm Sapphire. But you can call me Saph. This is Mitch, neighbour and friend. You're an exchange student?"

"Kind of but not quite "

"You know, my sister was taken from me that night. Just taken, not killed. I know she's still alive." i Think back for a second about missing people and they still being alive, i heard this one time on the news maybe she was sold? i should tell her that

"I'll help you find her. Maybe she was sold."


"Yeah. To people who bad things to girls." i said but  i kind of regret it seeing her face abut quickly Mitch tried to get off topic, he actually was very successful 

"I'm Mitch you wanna stay with me I'll ask my parents if it's okay first but they'll love you!" Mitch rattles off.  I smile at his rattling off its nice to have someone that actually wants to talk to me for once and want me to come to there house

"Or I could ask my grandparents if you could stay with me for a while. It'll be great. My grandma makes great waffles, her cookies are delicious, and she can kick your butt at video games."

"I challenged her to Minecraft. Once. I'm still taking lessons from her." Mitch chips in. So now i need to decide , who should i stay with, honestly its a easy question

"I'll stay with you, Saph. You stood up to those mean girls." I owe it to her she helped me so maybe she can help me even more or i could help her

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