Chapter 6

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Seul Ah POV

*Two Days Later*

The past two days has been nothing but depressing. Me and Oppa did not had any conversation and became awkward. I am not sure if he is feeling guilty for hiding all of this from me or well I don't know. Either way I feel that I have every right to feel angry about it.

Today is the last day of school and Klara has helped to buy the flight tickets and everything is ready. What's left is for the both of us to travel there secretly. Though I'm still not quite sure how I will sneak out tonight since our flight is at midnight. Hm, I probably just stay at Klara's house in the mean time to make it easier.

"Hey since our flight is at midnight, mind if I stay at your place and pretend that I'll stay the night or more?" I asked her.

"Hmm, yeah.." She responded.

Weird. She's always have more things to say.

"You alright? Why the sad face?" I curiously asked.

She was staring down on the floor, with a serious face.

"Ani, it's just. I'm excited for this trip but I kinda feel guilty that if anything happens to us, to you, I'm dead.."

"Nawhh you cared! I thought you're forever heartless!" I jokingly replied.

"Yah! I'm serious! Anything could happen man..I can't lose you honestly.." she replied.

I swing my arm around hers like what a protective sister would do. As much as she can be heartless at times, well jokingly obviously, there's no doubt that she cares so much about me. And for that, I am thankful to have met her.

"Hey everything will be fine" I smiled back while comforting her.

"Oppa, I'll be staying at at Klara's house for the two month since it's already the holiday. I'm going back now and will be heading out after that. I'll see you soon. Take care, love you."

I texted oppa since it's the only way we communicate..for now..

My heart suddenly beats quickly. Now that is settled, all we have to do now is to wait for midnight. I'm honestly scared of what to expect this whole month. Will he remember me? If he does, would he want to see me? So many questions is running through my head right now and I feel a little dizzy thinking about it.

Not right now Seul Ah. No fainting, no panic attacks. Not right now.

Yunhyeong ah..I hope to see you soon..

Yunhyeong POV

*Back at the hotel room*

"Goodnight hyung!" Chanwoo shouted.

"Ya you don't have to shout you pabo! *laughs* goodnight" I replied back.

Another show done. Now that the lights is off, I can finally rest, probably. Tomorrow we will finally be back in Seoul. With Chanwoo's light snores filling in this dark hotel room, and the sound of cars driving passing by, it's times like this makes me feels...lonely?

Yeah I have the maknae sleeping beside but what I feel now is longing for someone. Seul Ah to be precise..How you doing up there love? Everything must be lovely huh? I hope you're praying for me everyday like how I always do..Hahah..I'm sure you do..

Staring at the ceiling wall with such thoughts in my head, I can't helped but tear a little. I miss her so much. If she's ever still alive, I would have someone to share all this amazing experience that is happening to me. I'll have someone who will stay up no matter what time it is to hear my stories even though she is tired. I'll have someone to share this happiness and will love me for me and not as an idol..

I know that my fans loves me but the love from someone who have been there during my good and bad, who is just my other half is different..

I wish I could go back to that day to save her. I wish that it was me and not her. She has loved me so much but I felt that I have never gave the very best I could.

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