Harry’s hands drifted from my waist to my head, he cupped my jaw in his broad hands, not even shifting the hair that created a thin and worthless barrier between our skins. He lowered my head down to his, pulling me into to his shoulder, I assumed he looked over me with prying eyes, observing every movement my body made against his. He continuously whispered words of encouragement and compliments into my ears, but I quickly forgot about them, the cloudy image of what was about to happen instead fogging my mind. I rolled my head back, my clammy hands breaking from the comforting support of Harry’s tattooed chest, his eyes continued to scour over my body in a desperate attempt to drink in the image of me in this state, a state of pure vulnerability and inexperience.

“What do I do Harry?” I asked as I regained my vision on his alarmed face, clearly surprised at my sudden willingness to do whatever he asked of me. He didn’t speak, he instead placed his hands on my hips (one of the few places where I still remained clothed) and gently pulled me forward, so he could slip around me, and place me underneath us. My breath hitched at the suddenness of his actions. I lay there underneath him, his arms either side of my head, leaning down and looking at me, staring intently into my eyes, searching for a glimmer of doubt so that he could find a reason to not do this, to save my purity. But I saw the lust in his eyes, just like he saw it in mine, the sheer determination to do to me what he’d done to so many others. Although this time, there was love. This time it was real.

One of Harry’s arms was removed from the side of my head; I took a gasp as the hand that had disappeared from my sight had made a quick reappearance, although this time much closer to the line of my underwear. His eyes stayed on mine, hoping to not find the spark of fear that I felt in the pit of my stomach, the lingering fear that I knew I would always have, every time someone touched me the way Harry was. His fingers slowly and tentatively moved down to the waistband of my underwear, playing with the frilly lining for a minute. As he noticed the serenity in my expression, he let out a barely audible sigh of relief and his anxious face resumed into that of a more relaxed demeanour.

His fingers lowered the top of my underwear, although Harry never looked down, instead he kept eye contact with me, never faltering in his loving stare. He lowered his head down to my ear and the actions around my pelvis ceased temporarily.

“I love you.” He muttered. I felt my face light up at his words, a wave of trust fell over me, for now I knew that nothing that would happen tonight would leave his lips, only in the utterances of dirty banter to come between us. I let out a nervous giggle as Harry’s hand travelled further down my pelvis, sneaking into the area where nobody had ever gone before.

“I trust you.” I whispered, although his head was no longer near mine, he heard me, and his actions were carried out more swiftly. He rid me of my underwear in a flash, and I was lying underneath him, almost bare, except from the obstruction that was my bra. For the first time in a while, his eyes tore from mine, slowly drifting to the part of my body that was so vulnerably exposed, I desperately tried to resist the urge to clamp my legs shut, to deny him access. But it was Harry, and I trusted him.

Harry sensed my obvious nerves and placed his hands on my thighs to try and calm me.

“It’ll be fine, love.” He said one last time, before placing a delicate kiss on my forehead and dropping his gaze once again to the lower part of my body. I rolled my head back, unable to look at him. I already knew that within one touch I would be gone, already on a high from the passionate kisses Harry and me had just engaged in. I squeezed my eyes shut, awaiting his touch, and it came. I felt a warm pant of air spread across me, the feeling alien and obscure, I pressed my head against the back of the wall as my entire body tensed under the amazing feeling that came across me. Harry’s breath heated the small patch of untouched body beneath me, as he tentatively moved his head towards it.

His mouth came into contact with the most sensitive part of me, my entirety becoming a mess at first contact. I let out a loud whimper out of instinct and my body began to writhe under the extreme pleasure I felt from within me. Harry’s actions became more intense, the gentle caressing of his tongue turning into a more violent action of sucking. I lowered my hands so that they entangled with the mess of curls that were hovering in between my thighs. I continued to release a string of distorted moans as Harry continued to get firmer in his actions.

After a few minutes of this torture, I couldn’t take it anymore. The heat in the pit of my stomach was getting more intense, the feel of Harry’s movements below me that caused my body to shake and quiver like never before was unbearable. I could do nothing but lay and squirm under Harry’s skilled and concentrated passion.

“It’s okay darling.” He uttered, his lips falling from the spot where I craved his presence. I kept my lips pursed as my feet lifted from the floor, my toes curling into an unbearably tight squeeze. My head continued to press into the solid wall behind me; desperately trying to feel something other than the paradise I was in. It was the most peculiar feeling; there was the constant tinge of excruciating fire in the pit of my stomach, along with the overwhelming feeling of floating and my presence on earth not being real, all because of Harry. His name fell from my lips in trembling and uneven sputters, his eyes darted up to meet mine, although his mouth remained encircled around the part of me that yearned for him.

My back arched violently as I experienced the waves of unimaginable bliss surge through me, my hands moved from his head to the numerous blankets and quilts that were below me. The ecstasy lasted only seconds, my tight and relentless grip on the blankets releasing, my feet floating back to the ground. Harry’s presence retreated from me, his eyes floating to mine in a lustful glare. He raised his hands to his mouth, wiping away the saliva that was plastered around his red, swollen lips.

My breaths escaped me in uneasy puffs that pained my chest to produce, only now did I realise the true extent of my experience, the floor below me was a mess from where my body wriggled and squirmed in an attempt to relieve the torture, my body was a mass of trembling breaths and shaking limbs.

“You’re certainly a loud one.” He declared in a rascally tone, his face forming a smile. I didn’t have the inhibitions to reply, my mind completely clouded with the events of what just happened. Harry crawled towards me in a provocative manner, his hands once again placing themselves either side of my dishevelled hair. He planted several kisses on my heated lips, and attempted to brush away the strands of unruly hair that lay scattered upon my sweaty face.

“Sex hair, beautiful.” He joked, placing another loving kiss on me. He drifted behind me, wrapping his broad arm around my waist. He didn’t say another word; he simply enveloped me in his grip, pulling me closer to him. My high had left me, although the obscene bliss I had just encountered didn’t I was in heaven, and Harry was here with me.

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