Reb stood in line in the university's student services office, waiting for directions to the off-campus living she had been assigned to; she was late as usual. She had her cello case strapped to her back like a backpack, and her guitar case in her hand. Her duffel bag, filled to the brim, laid at her feet. Without noticing, she had begun to fiddle with the ends of her long brown hair. She had been meaning to get it cut. The receptionist came out from the back offices with some papers in her hand.

"Alrighty," she beamed. "Let's get you back on track."

Reb tried to fake a smile but the ladies enthusiasm made her uncomfortable.

"The Smith House is not far from the university campus. It's about a ten-minute walk, or a five-minute drive. I've printed out some maps for you and a bus timetable." The receptionist handed Reb the papers. "Mr Olson, the Dean, should be there already, taking the others through. Would you like me to call a taxi for you?"

"Nope, it's fine, I can walk." Reb grabbed her bag, feeling the strain on her shoulders. "Thanks for all your help."

"So how many of us are gonna be living here?" Ryan squeezed through the doorway back at Smith House, his broad shoulders almost hitting the frame. He carried a large bag in each hand, and proudly wore his team's football jersey.

"Seven," the Dean replied. "Six new, one remaining."

"Seven? I didn't sign up for a party house." Aadita scrutinised the boys.

"You don't have to worry about me," Jake said. He looked to Ryan.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Ryan squared his shoulders and faced the shorter man.

Aadita rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"What did I say, Mr Meyers?" Dean Olson warned Ryan.

"You heard me!"

Ryan clenched his fists. "You better watch your mouth Keegan." Ryan took a step toward the offending male student. They were standing in the dorm room they had shared for two years.

"Or what?" Keegan - flanked by his mates - laughed.

Ryan lunged forward, his fist raised in seconds, and hit Keegan squarely in the face.

They tumbled to the ground. Keegan kicked Ryan off, giving himself a second to catch his breath. Within moments they were throwing punches again, so caught-up in emotion that many missed the mark. The onlookers jostled for the best view, with a mixture of cheering for each combatant.

The ruckus echoed down the dormitory corridor, attracting even more attention.

A young, tall, Asian male dressed in a security uniform rounded the corner, drawn by the noise. He manoeuvred his way through the crowd, finally reaching the middle.

Ryan's fist contacted with Keegan's nose, causing blood to run down his face.

Seeing others in the crowd move to join in, the guard jumped in the middle of the two, shoving them away from each other. Keegan was lifted to his feet by his friends. Ryan wasn't ready to stop fighting.

"That's enough! You two are coming with me." The security guard grabbed both brawlers by their arms and shoved his way through the separating crowd.

Ryan felt his blood start to rise again, but turned from Jake, not wanting any more trouble. He tried to remember the calming breathing techniques his coach had attempted to teach him. They never worked; he only grew more frustrated.

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