Chapter Twelve

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"Don't answer it," Ryan whispered.

"Why not?" Harley whispered back.

"Did you not just hear me say, we're getting out of here?"

A harder rapp quaked the door.

"Young David." Sir Corbin's voice was full of vigor; surprising after the long night. "You need to be gettin' ready for the tournament."

They remained still, each trying to think of their next move.

"Maybe-" Jake begun, only to be cut off as the door swung open.

Sir Corbin marched in.

"Why did nobody answer the door?" Sir Corbin asked, seeing them huddled in the middle of the room.

Ryan stammered, searching for an excuse.

"You just woke us." Harley jumped in.

"Aye..." Sir Corbin looked around the room confused. "You share yer quarters with yer servants as well?"

Aadita rolled her eyes and moved back to the bed.

"By the gods, Prince David! You looka death." Corbin shook his head. "Get y'self washed. You have your hand-to-hand combat first up. I will wait for ye outside." Corbin retreated from the room.

Panicked, Ryan turned towards his friends. "Please come with me," he pleaded.

"I can't," Aadita said. "I have to go check on the boy."

"We'll come," Eric said to Ryan, speaking for the rest of the group. "But first I think we need some ground rules."

"Good idea," Jake added.

"Okay," Ryan started, counting them on his fingers. "One: we don't speak of this to anyone. Two: We stick together. Three: We don't start a war! And Four...I haven't thought that far ahead."

They all nodded in agreeance.

Ryan moved into action, pulling on his pants, a new shirt, and boots.

Jake approached him again with the papers. "You seriously need to look at these."

"I don't have time," Ryan said, rushing out the door.

"The idiot is going to get himself killed," Jake muttered to himself.

Harley nudged him. "Don't say that!"

Jake looked apologetic for a second before hearing Ryan beckon them from the hallway. Eric, Reb, and Jake followed after him.

Harley turned to Aadita. "Are you sure you wanna go back to Eugene's?"

Aadita nodded.

"But Ryan said we shouldn't split up."

"I promised I would help them," Aadita urged. "And besides, I'll be with Eugene. I'll be safe with him."

"Be careful."

"You too."

"And good luck." Harley turned with a smile and caught up to the rest of the group.

Ryan and Sir Corbin walked side-by-side, ahead of the group. They wound their way through the castle's back alleys towards the tournament grounds. The young competitor shied under the roars of the crowd resounding off the buildings.

"What is the matter lad?"

Ryan glanced at Corbin before turning his gaze back to the front, attempting to cover his trepidation. "Nothing."

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