"Patrick what is this from?!" My eyes darted all over his body looking for a wound. He held up his hand and gave a half smile. I screamed. On the back of his hand were four big gashes. His palm was the same. Blood was dripping out of each little hole, yet there was already some dried around the edges. 

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his hand instantly, not caring if he winced. This was serious. He would probably need stitches.

"We need to get you to a hospital right now. How did this happen?" I held the towel around his hand, begging him to look me in the eyes. He wouldn't. He hadn't said a word since I walked in. Then it hit me. I was the one that caused this. I did this to him. Tears welled in my eyes, taking only seconds before they spilled over the edge and onto my cheeks. 

I bit him. My bestfriend, my boyfriend, the only person who made me truly happy. And I bit him. My heart wanted to reach out to him, to hug him or even kiss him. But my brain told me now was not the time. He looked at me and I thought I saw tears in his eyes. He lifted his other hand and rested it on my cheek, wiping away the stream of tears with his thumb.

"I'm sorry." I whipered. I closed my eyes and leaned into his hand. 

"I'm okay, really." The first words he's spoken since I woke up, and they came out in almost a whisper. He wasn't okay. I now understood why he hadn't answered me before. Because as soon as he did, he started crying. It hurt me deep inside to see him like this. I have cried in front of him multiple times, but never had he cried in front of me. There had never been a reason to. I felt a deeper connection forming between us in this moment.

"Patrick, do you know what this means?" I opened the towel a bit and peeked inside. It was soaked with blood, but the bleeding had stopped. I pulled it away and wet down a wash cloth, wiping his hand clean. I might need to put peroxide on this later, but for now I let him be. I;m sure this experience was traumatic enough. 

He nodded in response to this question. Patrick would become a werewolf. This was both good news and bad news. The good news was that we could live our lives in peace, not having to worry about secrets or changing. We would live the same double life, and no one would ever know. It was a big secret that both of had all to ourselves.

The bad news was that now he would have to experience what I did. The painful changes, being paranoid of people finding out. The lies, the secrets. It was a lot to handle, but he was strong. And if I could do it, he definitely could too. 

"I'm sorry." It was all I could say. "I really didn't mean for this to happen. This is the last thing I want for you." He sat on the toilet seat, still cradling his hand in his lap. I sat on the edge of the tub next to him, holding his other hand with both of mine.

"I know." was all he said. His eyebrows scrunched together as he stared at my face.

"What?" I asked, confused. I had just looked at myself in the mirror before I came in here.

"You're bleeding." He gingerly touched the side of my face. My head snapped back with pain. His fingers came away sticky with blood. I got up and looked in the mirror. There was a huge scratch from my temple to my cheekbone. I grabbed a wet rag and wiped away the blood to examaine the cut better. It was deep, and most likely given to myself by my own claws. I sighed, searching under the sink for a bottle of peroxide. This was definitely going to sting.

I held up the bottle and he groaned. He helf his hand over the sing as I poured the liquid over his cuts. His leg jiggled as he clenched his jaw. When the gashes were done foaming, I dried it off with a towel. As I was pouring the peroxide onto a cotton ball for my own scratch, I thought of something to say that would lighten the mood a little.

"Hey, you could be my peroxide prince." I said, raising an eyebrow at him. He laughed. It felt good to hear him laugh after all of this horror.

"Then you're my peroxide princess." I smiled. I liked the sound of that. Peroxide Princess, I repeated the phrase over and over again in my mind. 

"So we're that couple. With the forty pet names for each other?" I giggled. He chuckled in response. 

"Hey, at least ours are clever, and have a real meaning." I thought back to the text I had sent him over a month ago.

"You're my alpha dog."

"And you're my omegalomaniac." He had responded, referring to the time when he caught me mid-change, and literally called me a maniac. I blinked fast with a sudden realization. 

"Wait, if you are a wolf now too, then... you really are my alpha." I turned to him. He seemed just as surprised as I was.

"Then I guess you really are my omega." He looked at me.

"-lomaniac." I added, holding my finger up in the air for added effect. He laughed. Everything felt normal, even though it was far from it. But for now we could pretend like everything was fine, until in two months when it was Patrick's birthday. And since he was a werewolf now too, I was dreading the day when he finally turned eighteen.

---------SHE BIT PATRICK RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU ARE CRYING INSIDE TOO. Also did you catch my reference to one of my favorite songs ever, Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet? I figured I could slip that in there and it was cute and it was nice so there it is and there it will stay. If I manage to make anymore couple/nickname references to FOB songs I will literally die. So, stay tuned for more because you know they're coming lol. Anyways I hope you're enjoying the story so far and thanks for reading!

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