Chapter Sixteen

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We decided that actually going out to eat would be too risky, and ordered a pizza instead. It was delivered ten minutes later and we took the box back to his room. We sat on the bed, with the box in between us, taking a few slices each. An hour passed, with us filling the silence with talking and laughter. We managed to eat the entire pizza, both of us covering an equal amount. We were laying on Patrick's bed listening to music when I felt the first sign of a change. 

I jolted upright. "Patrick, I think it's happening." I panicked, and he tried to remain clam but eventually started freaking out. Twenty times less than I was though. I was having a full on panic attack. Hyperventilating, sweating, shaking, wide eyes. I could barely breathe. He was holding my hands, rubbing my back, stroking my hair, doing basically anything he could to calm me down. But as the symptoms kept progressing I was thrown to the floor on my hands and knees. I winced and Patrick rushed to me. Not knowing what to do, he kind of held my shoulders, saying everything was going to be alright. It wasn't helping.

As my bones started to pop and crack, and the hair rose on my back and neck, I felt my ears start to wiggle, which has never happened before. Everything became ten times louder, and I had to shush Patrick. As soothing as his voice could be at times, he was to close to be talking right now. I instantly felt bad, but knew it was what I had to do. I didn't want to face him as my nose elongated. I knew I probably looked disgusting. So i turned away and hid my face behind my hair. The fangs that were growing in made my mouth hang open, and I had to wipe my mouth multiple times to keep from drooling all over Patrick's carpet.

I heard Patrick yelling, but everything was getting quiet. My vision started to blur, and my head felt fuzzy. The room swayed around me, and I squeezed my eyes shut. I opened them again to see Patrick's eyes staring into mine, with a fear so strong it was unbearable to look at. The last thing I saw was his lips mouth the words "I love you", before everything went black.


Squinting my eyes against the brightness, I pressed my hands to the sides of my head to stop the ringing in my ears. I squeezed my eyes shut again and pressed my face farther into the pillow. Pillow? Where was I? I smelled the familiar scent of Patrick's cologne. Oh right, I was spending the night at Patrick's house. Patrick! My eyes shot open, and as soon as they adjusted to the light I began searching the room. There was no sign of him anywhere. I tried to call out his name, but my mouth was completely dry. A dark spot on the floor caught my eye. Was that...blood? My stomach sank. Oh god. I had to find Patrick. Memories of waht happened earlier flooded my brain. The last thing I remember was seeing his face, looking so scared. I had never seen anyone look that scared in my entire life. I felt horrible.

My arms and legs were very weak as I attempted to lift the blankets off. I realized I wasn't wearing the clothes I had came with. In fact, these weren't my clothes at all. They were Patrick's. He must not have been able to find my bag. I facepalmed and remembered how I left it in his car. I slipped out of the bed slowly and checked myself out in the mirror. I looked like garbage.

Dressed in an old Metallica t-shirt and plaid boxer shorts, I almost laughed at Patrick's choice of clothing. My hair was an absolute mess, with knots and tangles ratted up about two inches higher than my actual head. I attempted to smooth it down with my fingers but then accepted the fact that it could only be resolved with a brush. My cheeks looked hollower than usual, and there was a slight discoloration under my eyes. My lips were incredibly chapped and I needed water badly. My throat was extrememly hoarse. 

I decided I should leave the room and search for Patrick elsewhere in the house. I tried calling his name, but only a whisper came out. I walked into the hallway and saw that the bathroom light was on. I ran to it and threw open the door. Patrick jumped back and metal clattered the floor. I stopped in my tracks. He looked terrified. His expression softened when he must have realized I was fully human again. A sick feeling settled in the bottom of my stomach. I ran towards him but stopped short when I saw all the blood I sink. I tried to yell but my voice was low and quiet.

Alpha Dog and Omegalomaniac (Patrick Stump Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt