Chapter Seven

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Patrick ended up leaving a few hours later. My mom said he should probably be home in time for dinner, in order not to make his parents worry. We shared a look before he walked out the door. I wondered if he would eat tonight. Did he even have food? After dinner, I texted Patrick.

Me: Hey, do you need something to eat?

Patrick: No, it's fine.

Me: Are you sure? We have left overs.

Patrick: ...What kind?

Me: Spaghetti. ;)

Patrick: The door's unlocked.

Spaghetti was his favorite food. I knew he'd say yes. I told my parents I was going to bed early. After saying goodnight, I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed the container of noodles and sauce. Once safely back in my room, I packed a small bag and locked my door. If they happened to check on me during the night, I didn't want them knowing I wasn't there. 

I opened my window and looked down. It was a long drop. I thought about a way to leave the house without my parents noticing when movement caught my eye. Across the yard, the curtains moved in an upstairs window. I backed away for a second before realizing it was Patrick's house. Sure enough, he came running from the front of his house and stood under my window. 

I shook my head and whispered loudly. "It's too big of a drop." He looked around and then back up at me.

"I'll catch you." 

"What?" This was surprising. And basically impossible. He would never be able to catch me from this high up! I would crush him for sure.

"Just hang from the window and drop. I promise I won't let you fall." 

My heart beat rapidly in my chest. Then I remembered what my mom had told me when I turned fifteen.

"Life if about taking risks. You have to do the crazy stuff before you get too old."

I had always thought this was stupid, but now I finally began to understand what she meant. I threw my bag down first. He caught it and set it neatly on the ground next to him. In one swift movement, I sat on the window sill and swung my legs over. Ducking my head under the open window, my whole body was outside. 

I looked down at Patrick with fear in my eyes, yet he was completely calm. Holding his arms out, he nodded, persuading me to drop. I closed my eyes, and pushed myself off the ledge. The wind whipped through my hair for a split second before landing in Patrick's arms. The momentum pushed him back a bit, but he never fell. I was amazed at how he managed to actualy catch me from a two story jump.

We stood there, him holding me bridal style, and my arms wrapped around his neck. He stared into my eyes with the most loving gaze I had ever seen. 

"Thank you." I whispered and touched our foreheads together. A moment later, he set me down and handed me my bag. We walked into his house and went straight to his room, pausing only for silverwear.

He flicked the tv on and sat on his bed, eager to start eating. I handed him the container, still a warm from dinner. I layed down and watched tv while he dug in, praising my mom's cooking skills.

"Thanks for bringing me this. You really didn't have to." 

I shrugged. "It's no big deal, you know I'd do anything for you." It was true. I loved Patrick with all my heart. I would literally do anything he asked me to.

"Anything?" He winked. I laughed and rolled my eyes, elbowing him in the side gently. He set down the empty container and flicked off the tv, then elbowed me back. I nudged him even harder. He turned and started tickling me. I laughed so hard tears were building up in my eyes. 

I kicked my knees up to protect my stomach. It was no use. He sat on my thighs to hold my legs down and continued tickling. A few seconds later he stopped. We stared at each other for a few seconds. Patrick bent down and kissed me quickly. With him still on top of me, I propped my elbows up and kissed him back. He rolled us over so I was laying on top of him, my hips resting on his. Our kisses got slower, and deeper. I cupped my hands around his face and pulled him into me. He did the same as I ran my fingers through his hair. 

The spaghetti was forgotten as we got carried away, leaving our future in the hands of the darkness that surrounded us. 

---------yes ;) I know it's short but it's also sweet so...

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