Chapter 26: Landing Zone Grouping

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Kiera and Jelia were up front, both being the sword wielding soldiers to deflect the incoming fire while the squad in the back took out the droids aiming at them. Jelia used her blue lightsaber to slice the droids once they were in range, wanting to destroy them as quickly as possible. Kiera seemed to have the same mindset, for she too was dismantling droids with her blade.. B1 battle droids quickly fell by the rush the clones and their generals have made.

Jelia panted slightly, putting her lightsaber hilt on her belt. She was not used to using swords, especially not in live combat. "Now that we have this area secured, we must push on. The others are waiting for our support." Kiera told her troops and Jelia before she continued to walk forward through the grassy plain filled with large trees. The clone forces under Kiera's command followed her, all of them keeping their guard up and are prepared for anything. Jelia's mind was now focused on being worried for Lance. There's nothing she holds closer to herself than the Jedi General she serves.


"More coming!"

"Droids at ten o' clock!"

"Man down! man Down!"

Arc can hear the shouts of clones in action. Everything was happening too quickly. The captain was still holding his men together, for if he can't, Sun Company will panic and not be able to hold their own. The captain lowered his binoculars after he had confirmed what he saw meters away from the 'block' as his defense was called.

"Recon reporting for duty!" The medic of Breakfall squad saluted the captain.

"Tech reporting for duty" Tech does the same as the medic, which would be saluting Arc.

"You two. I want you to go up to the crashed gunship seventy-five meters northwest from our location. Wee believe it is General Axel's gunship. Go there and bring back any survivors." Arc clearly stated his orders at the two troopers. The two clones nod. "On it, Captain!" They say in unison before running to the gunship.

Arc looked at his imagecaster projecting a map of the battle, showing him separatist movements up too 500 kilometers around the block. He can see several tanks closing in from the north, and ordered the AT-TE gunner above him to open fire at the new target.

"Pinpoint! Droids on speeders incoming! two o' clock!" Arc informed the sniper of the team about the incoming enemy forces. he sniper smirked and aimed his sniper towards the in coming droids. He placed his cross-hairs above the first pilot, waiting for the droid to get closer. Once they were slightly closer, Pinpoint pulled the trigger six times, dropping the six droids under a second. Arc nodded slightly when he saw the enemy bikes crashed on the grassy and slightly bumping land.

"Domino! Crab droid!" Arc quickly warned the heavy gunner about the miniature tank headed his way. The clone chuckled and stood up, for he was crouching behind a few crates after his DC-15S went dry. "Oh yea. . ." Domino stood up and came out of hiding with his favorite Z-6 rotary canon.

"Alright clankers! Suck laser!" The clone laughs manically as he pulled the trigger. Blue laser bolts scream through the air before smacking their robotic targets, which drops them dead on contact. He focused his fire on the red crab droid, hitting its photoreceptors and moved on to the top of his head afterwards. "Target down!" Dom shouted at his captain.

Tech and Recon press their backs against the slanted doors of the crashed gunship. "Well Recon, you wanted to have some fun!" Tech said as he took a peek at the droids' advancement to the block. He jerked his head back behind the gunship when he saw a laser bolt aimed to his head, but onl scratched the edge of the ship.

"Oh this isn't the fun part!" Recon clears up Tech's misconception. He and the technician open the door of the crashed gunship. "Getting back to the block is the fun part!"

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