Chapter 1: Knighthood {Revised}

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After the ceremony had ended, the new Jedi Knight Lance Axel, stands in the center of the Jedi council room with all the Jedi Masters sitting around him.

      "Powerful you have become. A Jedi Knight you are." Grand master Yoda says. "Indeed." Master Windu agrees with Yoda. The new Jedi Knight bows, showing his respect to the masters. "I will not fail you, masters." Lance assured, wanting them to know that his knighting was not going to be a waste.

"You are to be placed in command of the 720th Legion. The clone legion is in need of a new general and are waiting in Kamino." A blonde bearded Jedi informed Lance. "Then I'll head there immediately." The yellow eye Jedi replied to his comment as he bowed, quickly leaving the room shortly after.

As Lance walks around the Jedi Temple, he hears a child calling his name. "Look it's Lance!" A youngling called out loud. Lance smiled and approaches the group of younglings. "Hello Younglings, how was Ilum?" The Jedi asked. Immediately after asking his question, Lance is bombarded with all the Younglings talking all at once about their adventure in Ilum. "Now now, one at a time. How about you James, how was Ilum?" He asked the human boy. "It was amazing! I mean the cave was a little scary but we made our lightsaber! Mine is blue and we all had fun with the snow afterwards!" James replied with all the joy of the world. Lance chuckled a little, happy that the children had a good time. "Really? What else did you do Wendy?" This question was directed to the female human besides James. "Well we learned about how to fix and make our very own lightsabers! We also did some practice inside the ship!" Wendy answered with excitement. Lance smiled, "Well, I wish I was there with you guys. Now, you should get to class, you don't want to be late." Lance said as the group of kids left and waved goodbye at the new Knight.

While walking towards the hanger bay, Lance is stopped by two voices coming behind him. "Congratulations on becoming a Jedi Knight." Obi-wan said, coming up behind Lance. "Yea, congrats. I think you impressed the council with how fast you became a knight, especially without much guidance." Anakin, or the chosen one, adds to Kenobi's comment. "Thank you, it was a challenging trial and I am glad I completed it." Lance replied. "Well Anakin and I must be on our way." the blonde haired Jedi said as he walked ahead of his former apprentice. "See you later Youngling." Anakin emphasizes youngling because of Lance's age. "Later Groundrunner." The new knight said his comeback. "That hurts." Anakin sarcastically said as he left with his old teacher. "I will never understand how you make nicknames for people." is the last thing Lance heard from Obi-Wan.


Once Lance arrived in the hanger bay, he hears metal pieces crashing on the floor. 'Well. He's here again,' Lance smiled at his thought as he turned around to see an aged man, appearing to be forty-five, with black hair that seem to be going in no direction, dull blue eyes that are staring at the origin point of the crash, and his hands are carrying several metal parts, but a few slipped onto the floor. "

Dumb pieces always falling." The man murmurs. "Hey dad." Lance said as he picks up the parts the man had dropped. "Oh! Lance! I didn't see you there!" The man said in surprise, but was still glad to see his son. "Well, I'm here to get my fighter." Lance says, placing the pieces on top of the pile the man is carrying. "Speaking of which, it's almost done. Just needs a few adjustments and it'll be all done! Also how was the ceremony?" The man speaks with pride about his new construction and asks about his son being knighted. "It went well. I'm a Jedi knight now." Lance says as he and his father walk towards Lance's new fighter.

"Really! That's great! I'm so proud of you! New bragging rights to my co-workers that's for sure." He joked at the end which causes Lance to chuckle. "Yea. So this is my fighter?" Lance asked and looked at the Z-95 star fighter. "Yup, it's a Z-95 prototype fighter. I just call it the Z."

Lance takes a look at his new starfighter. "Do I need a hyperdrive ring?" Lance knows that every Starfighter needs a hyperdrive ring, but couldn't quite detect how this fighter would fit in one. "Nope. It has a prototype system that has its own hyperdrive installed into it." Carl informed, taking pride in his invention. "Does it work?" Lance adds to his previous question. "W-well...theoretically it should." Carl immediately loses his confident. "Well, thanks for the ship. I'll tell you if it works. Tell mom I said hi."Lance gets aboard his newly acquired ship and begins launch off sequence. "I will!" Carl responds as the fighter leaves the hanger and flies into space.

"You can do it Arc!" Clone trooper Pinpoint cheers, watching the battle intently. "Domino you can win this one!" Clone trooper Waypoint goes for the opposition, knowing that Domino is the 'heavy' of the team. "Guys, any harder with that arm wrestle and one if you might get injured" Recon says, not wanting to waste is time on something simple like a tore muscle. "Who cares! My money's on Domino!" Tech cheers, going for the brute of the team. "

Guys! No one told me I was going up against a wookiee!!" Domino complained, as he is only inches away from losing the arm wrestle to his clone leader. "What's the matter domino? Nothing to funny to say?" Arc smirked with confidence. "Sir! I always have a joke to say or a pun to make." Were Domino's last words as he loses the arm wrestle. "Yes!" Arc laughed in victory. "Hey tech, where's that money you where talking about." Pinpoint says to his brother. "Um...I suddenly realized we don't get paid." Tech sheepishly replied, not wanting to give his credits. As the clones chatter, the doors to the mess hall opens and Jedi Lance, with a Kaminoan, walk inside. "This is Breakfall squad, they are the leading team of the 720th legion." The Kaminoan points at the batch of clones. "Thank you for having them meet me here." Lance says. The Kaminoan bowed slightly. "I will head back to make sure the other clones get aboard the cruiser" The Kaminoan leaves the mess hall.
        "Breakfall squad attention!" Arc quickly said, bringing himself and his brothers to salute the general. "Hello Breakfall squad. I would like to know your names." Lance tells them.

"I'm CT-7211 sir!" Arc was first to say his name

"CT-7218 reporting for duty!" Tech shortly followed.

"My number is CT-7226, at your service, sir!" Pinpoint introduces himself next.

"CT-7232 is my number!" Waypoint said.

"CT-7229 ready for action!" Domino said, being true to his statement

"CT-7234 here to help!" Recon said.

Lance shook his head in a bit of disapproval. "Your real names, please." Lance clarified his question. All the clones look at each other a little confused as too why a general would like to know their nicknames, but nevertheless they say their respective names.

      "Nice to meet you, I'm Jedi Knight Lance Axel. I'll be your new general." Lance introduces himself to the clones he will be fighting alongside. "Sir, with all do respect. Aren't you a little....I don't know....young to be a Knight?" Domino says as all the clones think that he will just screw things up because of his age. "Yes, I am young, but aren't you a little old to be called a board game." Lance countered the clone's statement. Domino laughs happily "I think we found the perfect General for us!" Domino said with a smile. "Well, get your helmets and head to the Cruiser." Lance walks out of the mess hall. "Well, this was....interesting." Recon says as he and his teammates grab their helmets and weapons and rush to the cruiser.
Yay my first chapter. I hope you enjoyed and comment down your favorite part. I hope you will read the future chapters. What do you think Breakfall squad?

Arc: he seems young, I don't think he is experienced enough to lead.

Tech: eh...not sure what to say

Pinpoint: I don't care if he's experienced or not, as long as he is a good leader I'll volunteer for any missions!

Waypoint: don't get excited Pinpoint, you know what happened to our last general.

Domino: I like him! He'll be a good general no doubt!

Recon: well we got our orders.

LukePenguin: ok.....not what I expected but ok. Hope you read the next chapter of Star Wars A Galaxy Of War

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