The Distance was an Issue...

Start from the beginning

"What's going on?" After a few minutes of awkward silence and coughing coming from his end, Mark finally replied.

"Y/N I'm so sorry, I can't make it to your graduation this weekend." The world seemed to crash down all around you. Unbelievable, after weeks of getting your hopes up, everything was coming down. 

"What.. I don't even understand.."

"You know the charity lifestream I've been wanting to do with Bob for MusicAid? The only weekend he can do it is this weekend, you know how badly I've wanted to help out... this is my one chance. Everything's already set up for this weekend.." Your heart slammed further down into your stomach. You couldn't believe it, you were getting rain checked- for a youtube live stream.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I know how much this meant to you, and believe me this weekend meant the world to me too." You bit back the fact that if this really meant the world to him, Mark wouldn't have canceled on you.

"I've gotta go," You blurted out as you abruptly stood up from the bench.

"Y/N, please don't go. We can talk this out.." You left Mark hanging as you hung up on him before sticking the phone in your pocket.

You made no attempt at hiding the tears that began to stream down your face. Even after him not being here sunk in, it was still unbelievable. After being a relationship for almost 4 years, this is what it's come to huh? You knew this charity live stream was everything to him, but enough to cancel on you?

You made your way out of the park and back to the dorms. All you wanted right now was to hide away for the next few days. You wanted to forget the fact that Mark wasn't going to be there for one of the most important parts of your life.

As you got closer to the dorm, you felt your phone go off in your pocket. Without glancing at the screen, you knew it was Mark. He always hated it when you hung up on him, much less when you were upset with him. Disappointment slowly began to sink in as you quickened your pace to the dorm.

Maybe Mark canceling on you was a sign.


You had gotten back to your dorm 30 minutes ago with tears still coming down your face. Your phone stopped going off 10 minutes ago after you got one last text notification. It didn't take rocket science to know that Mark was the one who was blowing up your phone. He always did this when he was guilty of making you upset. You normally would respond after an hour, but this time was different. Never have you been more disappointed at someone then you are right now.

As you stared up at the ceiling, the door opened and Marie, your best friend walked. You met her the first week you were, as she had a similar situation as you, except she was graduating from their Forensic Psychology program. 

"I found this adorable shirt for you to wear to Katie's graduation- hey, what's going on?" Marie shut the door behind her and rushed over towards your bedside.

"Guy's are dicks. Why can't we just go back to the times when WOMEN WERE BETTER OFF WITHOUT MEN!" You shouted as you launched up from your bed. Marie had an eyebrow raised as she gave you a skeptical look.

"I've been telling you that for years, and you're finally listening to me? What's brought this up?" She sat down in the black swivel chair that was next to your bed.

"I talked to Mark today. He told me he wouldn't be coming to graduation this weekend. Has a fucking charity live stream he's doing for Youtube Saturday." You watched Marie as she took in all the information. It was amazing to watch the rage that slowly began to take over her face as she sat there. The nice girl smile that was usually plastered on her face was quickly replaced by an intense frown, accompanied with a harsh look in her gray eyes.

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