Chapter 18 × Accident ×

Start from the beginning

"Come on girl!"


"Onward to victory!"



The course begins.


I might say looking at Terra she did pretty well on her first go on the training course.

Heck she even beat Cy's time!


"We're gonna need a new obstacle now aren't we?"

"Yep." Raven said.





"Okay why is everyone blinking?"

"Except us?" I said motioning to me and Terra.

"Come on we'll explain inside the tower." Robin said.

Robin takes hold of my hand and pulls me back to the tower with everyone else following.

When we got to the living room,

Robin turns on the monitor and reveals a picture of a guy who was wearing a mask,

The guy seems very familiar...

Like I've seen him somewhere before....

"Slade, he's back." Robin said.

"Slade?" Me and Terra said.

"Bad guy, Waaay bad." Beast Boy said.

Robin lets go of my hand and typing away on the computer.

"I got a fix on his location, Titans Move out!" Robin said running out of the room with everyone,

I was about to follow but I stopped in my tracks.

"You coming or what?" I ask smirking at Terra.

Terra smiles and runs up to me,

And we head out of the Tower together.


When we got to this Slade's location we ended up in a mine factory.

"Who are those guys?" I ask as we run to the main entrance.

"Slade's Minions, nothing more but brainless piles of scrap if you ask me." Robin said scowling.

When we got closer I finally got a clear view of the thieves.

"I got this!"

I turn my guitar facing forward and struck a note sending the masked thieves in front of me flying.

"Woah that was awesome." Terra said.

"I know I am." I said grinning and made a small peace sign.

"Titans Go!" Robin said and we charge ( or flew in some others case ) at the masked ninjas.

"Heyyo." I said grinning and swinging my guitar a ninja.


I look up and saw Terra being restrained by two ninjas.

"Terra you might want to cover your ears!" I shout at Terra and struck a high note making the two ninja fall off her floating rock.


"No problem." I said but suddenly I was tackled to the ground.


"Get off!" I said trying to push the ninja off me but damn was it strong.



I look ahead and saw Robin, Starfire, Cyborg or everyone being outnumbered.

I've got to help them!

But first off---

"I said get off of me!" I yell and bust my hand through the ninja's stomach only to find no blood but only bolts.

It's robot? Damn so that's why they don't go down easy.

But back to the main problem.

I look around and see Terra being cornered.


I run over to Terra and once I was close enough I struck a note making a few ninja's malfunction.

"Need any help?" I ask swinging my guitar and hitting a ninja straight in the face.

"A bit." Terra said shooting rocks at the ninjas.

Me and Terra were fighting pretty well, until---


"Terra?" I ask looking at her.


Suddenly Terra's goggles shatter and the whole cav--

Oh Shit.

The Siren ( Robin x Oc ) Teen TitansWhere stories live. Discover now