Bat in the Belfry (3/3)

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Riley's POV
I used a lot of hockey sticks to fight lord business. The others arrived and Merida helped me get the Aeon crystal back. We sent all the Lego people back.
Hopper jumped down and we pulled out our weapons.
"Leave us alone!" I yelled at him.
"When this all ends, I'll have your weapons hanging on my wall.....I don't care if it means killing your child."
"Leave now!" April yells at him.
"You have no right to destroy us or our children!" Anna says.
"You all have taken my home, Dean, and now the planet of Earth! I will destroy you and everything you love." Hopper then flies away.
"So this crystal can send other characters back?" Punzie says to April.
"Yes but I won't use it for you guys." April says
"Then we might need to contain its power." Baymax says.
"It's too dangerous for an experiment." Hiro says.
"Or you can hide it." Violet says.
"No..." April says.
"Then what will we do?" Stitch asks.
"April can protect it." Lilo says.
"How?" Merida asks.
"I'll never take it off for anyone or anything ever again." April says.

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