Chapter 14- F@%K It

Start from the beginning

I never heard this reckless side of Lexi when she was being serious, as a joke yeah but she never actually suggested something like this.


"Okay?" She grinned.

"Fuck it," I said and got up determined to find Damon again. I turned back to her after reaching the end of the hall, thinking about her sudden positive attitude, "What were you and Melvin doing?"

*Lexi's Pov*

"Can I talk to you?" Melvin grabbed me and dragged me off.

"Don't be butthurt I called dibs on your cousin," I laughed while we wove through crowds.

He turned and gave me a death stare and pulled me into a  dim hallway.

"Don't talk like that in front of me," He growled. 

"Melvin you need to relax, it was a joke and we're not together anyway so it shouldn't bother you." 

"Well it fucking does,"

My stomach did a flip, I felt bad for betraying Lydia but I needed to think of my own happiness for once, besides she seemed to be getting used to the idea of us, what was the harm.

"So what?! What's happening here, I'm not gonna wait forever for the chance that Lydia is okay with us. I moved on, I'm talking to a guy." I flipped my hair over my shoulder, trying to look unaffected by his aggressive possessiveness. 

"Yeah you're 'talking' to that Jason kid, I know all about him, you won't even call him a boyfriend because you know that shit isn't going anywhere. There's a reason I let that go on," He smirked. 

"Let that go on?" I screeched. 

I was gonna show him just what he let go on.

I sped to the dance floor, I found my target, a tall guy with slicked black hair. Not my type but perfect to make him jealous.

I approached him and gave him my most seductive smile, he immediately reached out his hand for me. I turned and made eye contact with a glaring Melvin before turning back to-

"Ryan," He whispered in my ear.

"Lexi," I grinned and turned around, grinding myself slowly on him.

I reached my hand back and touched his face while he gripped me around my waste and brought me closer, I looked out of the corner of my eye to where Melvin was nearly foaming at the mouth. 

I closed my eyes and smiled, I rolled my head, covering my face with my hair. I turned and faced Ryan putting my arms around his neck. He put his mouth to my ear and before he said anything I felt myself being yanked from behind, Melvin had yanked me and walked off angrily.

"That's enough you proved your point," He barked.

I trailed behind him, 

"Why did you pull me you asshole?"

"You were fucking him in front of me that's why!" I burst into laughter and he kept glaring at me. We were back in the hallway and I stood close to him.

"You like pissing me off," He grunted, not looking at me.

"I don't like being treated like a child,"

"You don't want to be treated like a  child don't act like one," He turned to me.

I pushed past him, 

"You wanna see me act like a grown up?" I teased. Leaning on the door of an empty room.

His expression changed from anger to desire and he nearly pounced on me, pushing me through the door and locking it behind him.

My face flushed and my heart beat faster, it had been so long since we'd been together, and getting older gave me more experience.

He grabbed me and our lips met, his forcefully opening mine. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and I moaned, I grabbed a handful of his hair and he grabbed a handful of my ass. 

Pushing me down to the bed he feverishly took off his shirt, letting me run my fingers up and down his stomach before I lifted my shirt up above my head. I layer back down on the bead and he started kissing down my neck to my chest, leaving marks where he lingered, I laughed and brought his face back to mine, his lips tasted like peppermint. 

I latched onto his neck and he grabbed my chest as I sucked. When I stopped he went back down to the base of my neck and retraced his trail.

Suddenly my phone buzzed. I stopped him, it could be Lydia.

I gently pushed him off of me and reached for my phone, he nuzzled my neck and protested.

"Don't," He whined.

"It could be Lydia," 

"What why?" He got up and searched for his shirt. Of course, as soon as Lydia came into question he was off.

Meet me in the hall

Are you okay


I'm coming-

"I have to go talk to her, she's down the hall," I hissed.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked and handed me my shirt.

"I don't know, but you can't go out like that you look like you got mauled by a horny teenager," I laughed gesturing at his hickey.

"But I did didn't I?" He laughed and pulled me close, kissing me gently. I fixed his collar, covering the monstrosity.

I looked up at him, his piercing blue eyes staring deeply into mine.

"I missed this," He said softly.

"Me too."



"I said what were you and Melvin doing?"

"Just talking," 

I hope you guys like it! Thanks for all the support always :* <3

Life of a Little Sister 2- Available on AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now