Chapter 7- Tastes

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That night I had a fitful sleep. From the yelling downstairs to the smell of cigarettes wafting through my bedroom window. 

I had no energy to close it.

Greg had just described a part of his life I wasn't even aware of and it seemed like I was learning new things about my brothers every day. I was still pissed at the punishment, pissed at the division in my household but I knew that would only fade with time, and possibly my protests.

Thinking about the week before thanksgiving break was filling me with despair, I balled up my fists, causing a jolt of pain in the cut I got earlier. Making me think of the cake I didn't get a chance to eat.

That did it, I started crying, the cake looked so good and I didn't even have a chance.

I cried for a while, silent tears that slid down my cheeks and into my ears. For some reason things seemed a lot worse when you were alone at night in a dark room.

I heard the door open and close, Felix had come back in. The yelling stopped and silence ensued. I heard the heavy footsteps of Leo Felix and Greg come up the stairs and I tensed, praying they would pass my room without opening my door.

I knew I had to  get out of bed to go brush my teeth, so I waited for each of their doors to shut then I quickly ran to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror I was disappointed at the puffiness in my eyes. It would be worse tomorrow. I splashed cold water on my face, it wouldn't really help but it was worth a try, and went back to my room, rummaging around for any forgotten device I could contact Lexi with. 

I sighed when I couldn't find anything useful, just an old nintendo ds, chatrooms didn't even work unless you were near each other. 

I gave up and layed down,  hoping for sleep, tomorrow morning was going to be the most uncomfortable breakfast of my life and sleep was the only way to escape reality.


I could barely get my eyes open, they were swollen shut. I stayed in bed for a few minutes, trying to ignore the heavenly smells coming from below, my mother was clearly trying to fix this feud through the best way she knew how, food.

I got up and did my morning routine without a single disturbance, everyone was either asleep or downstairs eating. I hoped I would be the first one down so as to avoid the awkward 'Cinderella entering the ball' moment. 

I walked downstairs and saw only my mother in the kitchen, the good smells were just the beginnings of the breakfast she had planned. I came behind and hugged her, the only person I knew who would be 100% on my side.

"Buongiorno Mama," I said against her back.

"Buongiorno bella, how did you sleep?" She asked pushing hair back from my forehead.

"Great," I lied. She kissed my cheek and squeezed my arms.

"So you had a boyfriend huh? And you didn't tell me," Her voice was light but her face showed slightly mocking disappointment.

"I'm sorry mama, I was scared," Even though I knew she wasn't mad I felt awful.

"I know tesoro, I was in your place once," She smiled, her hands working quickly cracking eggs and mixing batter. I sat on a stool and watched her swiftness.

"Really?" I asked.

"Oh yes, Benito barely got permission to marry me Lydia! You wouldn't believe how hard my family was on him. But eventually he proved himself to my family and they approved. If it's the right man everything will fall into place. Do you think he was the right man?" 

Her question caught me off guard, was Damon the right guy for me? He certainly seemed so at the time.

"I-" I was going to answer but I couldn't quite justify myself. I jeopardized my relationship with my family for him, clearly I thought he was the right one as my mother put it. But then again would the right one let me do that, almost ruin my relationship with my family for him? Or would he love me so much that he was willing to withstand it to be with me.

Damon and I were broken up so that wouldn't be true either.

"I guess he wasn't the right one," I sighed. these thoughts were tumbling around my head, making me reevaluate my whole relationship.

"Don't worry about this one Lydia, just keep these things in mind the next time," She waved my doubts off.

"Next time? Hah!" I snorted.

"Trust me Lydia there will be a next one, you kids when you're young think you'll only love once," She laughed.

"First off, it wasn't quite love Mama, and second, you think they'll let me even leave the house anytime soon?"

"Love, like, all the same thing, and they'll forget about it," She smiled, clearly oblivious to how not over it her sons were. 

"Mom they all hate me, half of them are on my side, half aren't, they hate each other and they hate me, they're not gonna get over it," I whined to my mother despairingly. 

"They eat they feel better," She smiled, "They'll figure it out soon enough, girls need to get a taste of what they like and don't like, that's how you find the right one. They want to protect you now but what about when you're ready to settle down, they can't always be there for you. I love your father but I want you to have more experiences than I did, don't settle down before you travel the world, and don't limit yourself tesoro you're smart, you can do so much." My wise mother was at it again.

"Thanks mom," I smiled. I felt a lot better, Damon wasn't something to regret, just an experience, one of the 'tastes' I got. But it did make me sad to think my mom didn't get all of the experiences she wanted out of life. It made me want to work hard so one day I could give her the opportunities for all those experiences. I wanted to give her the world.

She taught me that it didn't matter who did or didn't approve, as long as I felt alright about it that was all that mattered.

I was hoping this newfound confidence in my decisions would last, but I could feel it slowly diminishing as I heard the familiar footsteps coming down the stairs.

Felix came down first, he came into the kitchen, kissed my mother on the cheek, gave me a cold stare and sat at his spot on the table. I refused to talk to him, his stupid punishment was deserving of a silent treatment, something Tonelli's are awfully good at.

"Hey, you're family, talk to each other!" My mother snapped, she hated when siblings were rude to each other. 

Felix and I made eye contact, each glaring at each other then looking away.

"Bambini Stupidi!"  Stupid kids! she smacked us both. 

I rubbed my head but refused to say a word.

My mother growled and I could only imagine how the rest of breakfast would go as I heard more footsteps coming down the stairs.

Hope you liked it! This week is my spring break so more chapters will be cranked out these next few days :)

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